Chapter 10: The Sun Ain't Gonna Shine Anymore

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-Y/N's POV-

The next day roll by faster than I have expected.

This day seems like any other day I have experienced for the past few days, but now I have someone to hug every now and then the moment I wake up in the morning.

I am now in my bed, listening to Alan's heartbeat as I lay in his chest. Alan still seems to be asleep, so I took this chance to admire his features as I look up at his face.

He sleeps so peacefully, his chest heaving as he is breathing so gently, and boy... don't get me started on his face. His eyes although they are still closed, they still look so mesmerizing.

And the beard on his face, I am now holding back the temptation to tickle his beard, but of course I held myself back cause if I did that, he would be awake. But will he?

I couldn't stand it and I was now reaching to touch his beard, at first, I was hesitating, but I gave in. His beard felt quite smooth, I just placed my hand there not moving it, and then a sudden thought came to mind...

I wish you would be here with me forever...

As I thought of that I did not notice that I was already rubbing my hand over his beard ever so gently, this made him move a little but then a little while later he opened his eyes.

He opened his eyes slowly adjusting to the surroundings around him, as he looked down, he saw me looking up at him, and at my hand which was still at his beard, it now made its way to his cheek.

"Good morning, Y/N..." he said with his morning voice.

Gosh, his voice would just make me fall back to sleep...

"Good morning, Alan." I said to him as I move to the side to give him room to sit up, I did the same thing and sat beside him.

We sat in silence for a while, the silence was broken after a minute when Alan asked "were you staring at me? And playing with my beard?" He looked to me at his side with a smile that lighted up my entire world at once.

I just shrugged. "I couldn't resist it to be honest. I told myself not to do it, but I still did it. And yes, I was staring at you, sorry for that one. And yeah, I was playing with your beard, sorry for that again. It just looked so smooth to the point I wanted to feel it with my own hands"

Alan just chuckled and once again, I got lost in my thoughts as I hear him laugh.

Long story short, we continued to talk about anything and everything before heading out of bed for breakfast.

I wanted to try to cook breakfast, so I went to the kitchen to start the cooking.

After minutes of debating of who would be cooking breakfast today, I finally got the upper hand and Alan has no choice but to let me try.

Alan sat at the dining table to supervise me while I am cooking, after my experiences the last few days, he couldn't watch me being hurt once more. I told him that I would be fine, but he insisted that he would keep an eye on me, in the end I reluctantly agreed.

As I reached the kitchen, I started to look for the pancake mix. I guess pancakes would be good for today, I thought to myself.

I started whipping up some pancake batter and I noticed Alan sitting at the dining table drumming his fingers at the table gently while keeping a close eye on me. I would've lied if I said I wouldn't wither under his intense stare.

I tried my best to focus on my cooking and surprisingly it worked.

Minutes later after cooking up the pancakes, I plated them in a neat plate and grabbed the syrup that was inside the fridge. I made my way to the dining table where Alan was and placed the plate of pancakes in the middle of the table.

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