Chapter 13

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Jisung knock on the door, he heard Yuna's voice said he can come in, he saw her at the single sofa while the fox hybrid's on her lap sleeping soundly.

"Aren't you scared of him?"Yuna carefully placed down Jeongin on the bed and look at Jisung. "There's nothing to be scared of, Jeongin is a human too."

"No he's not, he's a hybrid."He handed over the plate of brownies to Yuna. "Jisung, not all hybrids are the same, Felix and Jeongin are once a human too they are a product of Dr. Lee's experiments, I understand where your feelings are coming from but you should know Felix and Jeongin won't hurt anyone."

"You like him, aren't you? Jeongin." Jisung can see how her face blushed after what he said, it's been obvious since the day he came he noticed how Yuna always take care of Jeongin, especially right now, despite of the younger male being on his fox form.

Yuna shush him, he knew he's right, that's why she's so hands on when it comes to Jeongin. "I'm going now."

"Alright, thank you for this, and thank Felix for me."


"Chan, there's no sign of Minho around." Hyunjin said, they've been looking for Minho for hours already, until now there's still no sign of him or any of his traces. "Do you know any possible place where he can go?" The older asked.

Hyunjin thinks where could Minho be, they are finding him because they knew that the man isn't fully consumed by that liquid Dr. Lee injected in his son, however of they wont act fast to extract it out Minho will be in danger.

"Neige..." Hyunjin mumbled. "What?" Chan asked and look at Hyunjin. "He must have been looking after him, he must be near him, I'm sure he can't be far away from him if he's not here then there's only one person he will go to, and that is Neige." Chan was enlightened on what Hyunjin said. "You are right, we have to find him quickly."

The two immediately rushed towards the car and starts driving towards the Kim's place, ofcourse who wouldn't know about the news Neige being Kim Seungmin, the missing boy of the Kims, a very prominent family, it's all over the news and on the internet, the family celebrated for their son's return.

On the other side, Minho's sitting at the roof looking at the window at Seungmin's room, he's always at that spot every single day and every night just to ensure the boy's safety.

Since the night they met Seungmin is also waiting for Minho to comeback, he can't explain why he feels a very strong connection towards the man he barely met. Seungmin headed towards the window and open it, he sat down at the couch near his window and stares blackly at the sky, waiting for him to come.

But minho hid himself because he knew that he can't control himself like last time if he come closer again.

Seungmin heard rustle noises, his senses are still strong his sight are sharper as well still the same when he was still a hybrid, he can see clearly at night, he look around if there's people guarding him but when he saw that there's none he jumped out the window he want to take a look outside since he have a strong feeling that Minho might be just around.

He slowly walk trying not to make any noise from his feet, as he can get closer and closer he can hear the voices very clear, his heart starts thumping fast maybe he's a little nervous, he take a small peak behind the wall and saw three men.

"What are you doing? Take this off, I am not going with you two." He knew that voice very well, it's Minho's voice. "Minho this is for your own good, we can't let you stay out of here."

"I don't care, I'm staying here to look after Seungmin."Seungmin bit his lower lip when he heard his name, he want to prevent himself from smiling upon hearing Minho want to look after him. "But Minho you can't stay here longer, you are poisoned, if we can't extract that out from your body it'll consume you, you'll become a senseless monster or worse you could die."

Seungmin gasped upon hearing those seems like it was loud enough that someone from behind tapped his shoulder, when he faced who was it he was suddenly trapped between the man's arm, he was pressed against the wall, his eyes widens when he saw unfamiliar yet familiar face to him, it was Hyunjin.

"Long time no see, small kitten."


Its been so long since the last time I posted an update, still busy due to some stuffs from school our finals approaching soon so it took me a long time before posting this update, I am truly sorry for those who are still reading this I made you all wait but I am very thankful because you all waited, yet still I can't promise a consistent update but I'll finish this book sure. Anyway I hope everyone had a nice day. ♡

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