Chapter 14

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"Long time no see, small kitten." A man wearing a black hoodie immediately pulled the younger boy into a hug. "Neige, I missed you."Confused, that's what written on Seungmin's face, he don't even know this person yet the guy is hugging him.

Seungmin pushed him away and eyes on him, darting sharp gazes on the man. "It's me big cat. I'm Hyunjin, don't you remember?"

"What? I'm sorry but I don't know you."

"You must come with home with us, I'm sure Felix will be very delighted to see you, so as Jeongin."

"Young master is missing! Quick search immediately!" They heard voices, obviously from the guards of the kim's. "Neige we have to go." Hyunjin look at him with pleading eyes.

"This is my house, why would I come with you? I don't even know you."

"You have to trust me."

"I said I am not coming, Chan stop dragging me!" Seungmin was alert when he heard Minho's voice, he pushed hyunjin away who are cornering him and run away to find Minho, when he spot him he immediately pushed chan and grab Minho's wrist pulling him closer to him. "Step back! He's not coming with you, he's staying with me." Surprised that's both Chan and Minho's expression right now.

Seungmin's grip on Minho's wrist tightens. "He's mine, don't you dare take him away." Seungmin emphasize the word mine when he said those words, as for minho, that made his heart skip a beat, he can get out from here if he wants to, he's much stronger yet he can't even move especially Seungmin is preventing him to go by holding him.

"We must take Minho otherwise his life will be in danger. Minho you know there's no guarantee your body will adapt that serum Dr. Lee injected to you, it might cost your life, we must extract it out." Chan said, almost begging for them to go.

"He's right, Neige if you don't want to be left behind you can come with us, you belong here with us, we're family." Hyunjin said. "Hyunjin, there's no point of telling him that, he can't remember anything." Minho said.


Seungmin loosen the grip on Minho's wrist and faces him. "Hey, I maybe can't remember anything but I can feel that you're close here, I mean, you must be special for me that this thing in me can recognize you." He place his hand on his chest, Minho who are looking back at seungmin feels like he's about to cry after hearing those words coming from the younger.

Minho was about to hug him when they heard footsteps and voices coming near them. "Minho we need to go."

"Min, come with them."

"What about you?"

"I'll be fine, they wont hurt me. Hyunjin right? You stay close with me so I can get a contact with them." Seungmin said, and pulled Hyunjin.

The four parted ways, the two both feeling uneasy to be away from each other, but for now Minho's well-being is more of a concern also all the hybrids if Minho was fully consumed then maybe not just all the hybrids will be endanger but everyone is at stake.

"Hey small kitten..."

"Stop calling me small kitten, I have a name it's Seungmin." Seungmin said with annoyance in his voice, the two sneak inside the mansion, and he leads Hyunjin inside his bedroom to hide.

"Seungmin!" A pair of arms suddenly wrapped around him, he knew who's arms are they, he immediately withdraw the hug and face the person. "Changbin hyung, why?"

"We're worried, we thought you left."

"Uhm no I didn't, I just went out for a walk to catch some air, where would I even go if I leave this place, this is my house." Changbin felt relieved when he heard what Seungmin told him, he immediately messaged Madam Kim that Seungmin's back so the guard should stop looking for him.

"That's good to know, next time you should tell me if you're going out I'll keep you company." Seungmin smiled a bit and nod his head. "Alright, I'm going to bed now, goodnight hyung."

Seungmin felt like something is off, he have a strong sense of feeling, he immediately went back to his room to check Hyunjin there, he makes sure his door is lock then look for the man, he saw him comfortably sleeping on his fluffy carpet, curling himself.

"You really are a cat, a big cat pft." He crouched down and gently tap the older boy's face. "Hey wake up."

He felt bad since Hyunjin is his visitor even though a secret one, he must treat his guest well. Since the guy must be really tired, he just carefully carried him to bed as he took the couch.

He have lots of thoughts in his mind, questions that he want answers. But he's getting suspicious about Changbin, not that he's planning something bad but he felt like the man is always watching him, his every move, everything he do and such.

"He must be my mom's watcher, monitoring my actions and reporting it to her, no wonder they easily found out I left the house." A soft chuckle escaped from his lips after figuring out it must be it.

He feels like despite of living luxuriously the price of it is his freedom, every move of his is monitored that's why his mother keeps changbin to his side everytime, but he's thinking maybe she's just scared to lose her son again, but it doesn't feels like that either, but for now he must think of a way so he can visit minho soon.


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