Chapter 10

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Seungmin open his eyes as the white ceiling was the first thing he saw, his head was blank he still feel a bit weak. The smell of the alcohol and anti-bacterial chemicals was rooting under his nose that made him cover it.

He was in the hospital, but then he can't even remember why he was there in the first place. The door open revealing a woman in her mid 40's, obviously she look sophisticated just like how women in France but you can still notice that she wasn't a french at all but an asian woman.

"Sweetheart, finally you're awake."He blink his eyes he can't utter any word, the woman was hugging him, confusion was written all over his face.

"W-who are you?"The woman look at him and smile. "I am your mother."The boy just nod his head and get back from laying on the hospital bed. He can't even think even a bit, he was all blank.

"Seungmin honey, do you want anything to eat?"The boy sigh and look at his mother. "Is that my name?"His mother nod and smile sweetly, she's been waiting this her whole life, all she want is to be with her son and now it happend seems like it was only yesterday when he was a little boy and now he's big enough but then Mrs. Kim won't ever let his son go again, as long as she can she will protect him and keep the boy by her side.

"I'm fine, I just feel... empty."The boy lets out another sigh and lay back down turning his back to the woman. The boy doesn't even know why he feel that way, something is missing in his life and he can't even remember what it was.

A week passed Seungmin was already discharged in the hospital, Mrs. Kim was so happy that she can finally be with his son however Seungmin still have a lot of question running inside his head.

Minho keeps on looking after him secretly, he doesn't want to hurt the boy at all, he wanted to ask for help to Chan but then there's Felix, he's afraid that he might lose control and kill the tiger, he never regret saving Neige what he regrets is he obey his good for nothing father. 

Seungmin noticed a shadow outside, he felt that someone is staring at him, he open the window of his room and look out, he just saw someone wearing all black and a cap but it was fast when he's about to go out it was gone. He heave a sigh and goes back.

"Who was that? Am I just hallucinating?"he mumbled, he lets out another sigh, he wasn't looking where he was going so he bumped into someone. "Hey, watch where you are going."He raised his left eyebrow and look at the black haired boy. "I don't care where I wanna go or look at, leave my sight."Seungmin said in a cold tone.

"Oh it's you Seungmin, welcome home brother."The guy immediately pulled up himself and smile brightly. "Brother?"

"yes, our parents adopted me. It's me Changbin your bestfriend, aren't you happy where living in the same place now, isn't that what you want when we are still young?"the boy scratched his nape and smile genuinely.

"I... ahh... I'm sorry b-but I don't know, I can't remember even a little."Seungmin forced a smile. "That's okay, I understand you've been through alot in the past years, do you want me to tour you around?"Seungmin shyly nod his head, well he guess he'll be comfortable if there's someone who's near his age in here, so he won't get bore at all.

Changbin pulled the younger to the garden, the place was so beautiful that made Seungmin amazed, he roams his eyes around the garden was full of different kinds of flowers and bushes, at the middle there's a gazebo and a small fish pond at the right side.   "W-whoa this is so amazing."The older chuckled and drags the younger boy towards the pond. "you often drag me in this spot when we're young, you love it here." a small curve formed on his lips.

"Do I?"the older boy nods his head. "Hyung... What am I b-before? I mean who am I? Personality, my favorites, likes and dislikes."

"You will figure it out yourself Seungmin, I want you to create a new memories here, and hoping you to remember your promise to me."Seungmin blink his eyes and looks at Changbin with confusion.

"P-promise?"The older smile weakly and show the younger boy his necklace, the pendant was a small ring from his childhood. "You will remember it soon."

Chan was waiting outside, waiting for his friend to come, he was worried since he might lost in the woods.  He heave a sigh and notice a light, he sigh in relief seeing his friend with plastics of goods.  "There's a lot of place to hide but why in here."

"shut up and come in, unless you wanna stay there and be feed with the wolves out there."

"damn you chan, I'm going in. Make sure your pet won't come near me."

"he's not a pet okay? Get in."They both headed to inside, the boy placed the groceries on the table. Felix runs  towards Chan to hug him. "Chan hyung you're back— oh... You... You're Minho hyung's boyfriend." Felix steps back seeing who's with Chan, it was Jisung Minho's boyfriend.  "Ex you mean, Chan don't let that thing go near me."The boy said. Felix look down, Hyunjin heard the noises so he step in and hug Felix. "Hey don't call him a thing, Felix is a person."Jisung rolled his eyes. "Whatever pretty boy, anyway Chan hyung you sure all of you are safe here?"The older male nod his head.

"You should stay at night here Ji, the wolves might be wandering at night and those hybrids too."

"yea I don't know the reason why they became like that, but you must do something Chan, many people in the city was slaughtered by those monsters."

"What can I do if I don't even have a hybrid like that? I still need to examine and study longer."

"Well I can do that for you."

"What? That's dangerous Ji, I know what you've been through."

"this is all nothing Chan, I hope I can meet Minho, I wanna say sorry for what I did, I shouldn't did that running away and breaking up with him."Jisung's still inlove with Minho fears just ate him that time, if he saw him he won't hesitate to ask the older boy to comeback to him.


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