Chapter 7

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A week passed, Minho's already losing his mind the house was messy and he himself is a mess. Felix was there making him feel better.

Yuna was rushing towards the front door, she's so nervous and scared, fears can be seen through her eyes.

"Have you all seen Jeongin?"The two males shook their head. "I've been so busy lately. I didn't notice him."

"Neige is missing too, a week now, I just found this one."Minho showed Yuna and Felix the necklace he gave to Neige before when they are still young. "Damn, how about jeongin I don't know when, how long... Chan is going to kill me."Yuna whispered the last sentence, she's so dead.

"What if he's been taken? You know Neige will never leave like that."Minho exhaled deeply. "I don't know, what if he's tired of me? What if he really did leave and pulled the necklace and leave without saying goodbye because he realises I never been good to him."Felix rolled his eyes and smacks Minho.

"Look, Neige will never do that... You are his owner, and he loves you more than you could imagine hyung."

They heard a knock on the door Minho was about to go for it but Yuna stand.  "I'll take a look at it, just wait here."She fetch the door and open it, it was just a box infront, she pick it up and roam her eyes around but she didn't saw anyone.

She walks back and gave minho the box. "What's this?"Yuna shrugged her shoulder. "I don't know, just saw it on your doorstep."

Minho shook the box trying to figure out what inside it's quiet unusual to receive a gift. He sigh and slowly open the box, when he does he drops it with a horrified expression, he can't be wrong those clothes are Jeongin's and Neige.

"Fuck..."Yuna lift the box her knees drops down on the floor seeing Jeongin's shirt covered with blood. "N-no, this cannot be. C-chan is going to kill me, he's going to kill me and my sister, we have to find out who took them."

Felix can't even say anything he was shocked seeing those bloods he feel sick and runs rowards the sink feels like he's gonna throw up.

The fox was leaning against the tube where Neige is and creates a soft sound, whimpering from the pain on his leg.  He saw when Neige been taken by Dr. Lee's men, he followed them until he reached the laboratory, he turned himself into a fox and hide.

What's the meaning of this?"Neige yelled the moment he saw Minho's dad. "Well you know kitten, I heard the news that someone is looking for you, a big reward, look at the 1 million euro, more money that means I can do more things."the man gave him a cunning smile. "W-what do you m-mean?"

Jeongin keeps hidden and silently watches them and listening.

Neige hissed and bites the men that are holding him he run but more men came and grab him.  "come on kid, I'm giving you a favor you can meet your real family now wasn't that exciting? A family reunion." Dr. Lee push the button that's connected to Neige collar the kitten drops his knees on the ground he instantly loses his strength. Jeongin gasped, accidentally transformed back in his human formed the other men in the room noticed him, someone grab him and pulled him up pushed him on the floor.

"well look who's here, the first fox hybrid I created 10 years ago."Dr. Lee grab Jeongin on his neck and pinned him on the table. "Who told you to follow us huh? Do you really want to die little fox?"Jeongin tries to fight and scratch Minho's father.

Neige was inside the tube he can't do anything even how hard he bang his hand on the tube. " Stop please don't hurt Jeongin!" Neige screams. "Take this brat away, make sure he won't escape." He smirked, and turned to Neige taping lightly the  glass tube.

"As for you little demon I'll use my newest invention to you, soon enough those hybrids will end and extinct will only be part of history or maybe someday everyone will forget about hybrids, as if they never exist, my newly created monster will rise and haunt every hybrids and everyone will adore me, haven't you heard how some hybrids gone savage and attacking Humans?"Neige look at Minho's father in confusion he haven't heard anything about it.

"Well let me tell you something, you won't even remember this soon."

"Release me now immediately, I wanna go back to Minho hyung."Neige said and bang the glass again.

"You're not going back to my son anymore, I am returning you to your family, too bad you can't remember them, and you can't remember how did you end up here right? Soon you can't remember my son either. I want you out of my way Neige, well should I start calling you Kim Seungmin?"

"I won't ever forget Minho, even how many times you tried to erase my memories I will remember him no matter what."Neige glares at Dr. Lee but Minho's father just laugh.

"You sure will. Well as I was saying many Hybrids nowadays are gone savage and attacking humans they are like animals hunting their food, and here I am Dr. Lee will save the day, I'll be their hero. Well even I was the one who spread the virus for the hybrids to lose their human instinct and become savage."Neige gasped, he never heard about it but he's hoping Minho's okay.

"you are no hero, let me out here I'll kill you!"Neige is fuming in anger, and gets more furious knowing about it.

"You know, if someone learn the secret nobody will live knowing it right? But then you are different because I'm letting you live and I'm giving you a big favor, anything to say before I start the machine?"

Neige rolled his eyes, and look at Doctor Lee. "you're not gonna get away with this, I swear you won't! You'll just going to create a monster that will surely kill you, the monster you are creating will be the cause of your death."

"that's all? I will make sure all of the hybrids will wipe out in this world. Bye Neige."Dr. Lee runs the machine, Neige starts draining his energy, the tube starts filling an unknown chemicals.

Meanwhile in Minho's place, they are all gathering in the living room, Chan was so mad knowing Yuna lost Jeongin, he entrusted the younger one to him yet she didn't look after jeongin properly. "Chan, I sincerely apologize lets just all find Neige and Jeongin."

"How can we do that? It's dangerous outside haven't you heard the news? Every hybrid is gone mad as if they weren't their selves." Chan said, he was worried about Felix the most, he dont want him to be like those Hybrids who loses their sanity. Although Hyunjin was a bit fine now, Chan's happy that Hyunjin's slowly turning back as a human, his Machine works but it was slow but in still process of making a new chemical for that.

Chan look at Felix and heave a sigh.  "Felix please always stay indoors and never go out, stay with Hyunjin, the other hybrids are attacking Humans they are aggressive the air was polluted because of some virus that's spreading and it was fast and immediateky turning hybrids into a killing machines."

Minho sigh deeply and asked himself. "what's happening to the world, neige please keep safe."


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