Chapter 3

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The cat open his eyes because of the noise he heard, he noticed he's in a very unfamiliar place. He sat up and roam his eyes around, he saw Hyunjin walking towards him holding a tray of food.  "Hey Kitten, better eat. Food will make you regain your energy again."Neige smile, Hyunjin watch the younger boy eats, an older boy came wearing his lab coat. "Hyunjin, lets talk."Hyunjin nod his head and left Neige for a while.

"What are you going to do with him? His owner is looking for him."The puma frown, Chan know any minute the younger boy will explode in anger. "I don't want to return him to his owner, look at his neck he have a collar which shots electricity, his owner is just going to hurt him."

"Hyunjin listen to me, he is not yours, you can't keep him."Chan sigh and take a small glance to the kitten who's happily eating his meal. "Look at him he is a domestic pet unlike you and Felix, my friend called and said Neige owner is looking for him."The puma sigh, he saw the kitten is happy while eating his food especially the glass of milk as his drink.

The door open revealing Felix, a wild type of hybrid too he is a white tiger but then unlike a wild cats he is quiet a soft one but people always freak out knowing what he is. "I'm home~ I brought ice cream and marshmallows! And by the way Chan hyung someone is out there looking for you."Chan nod his head, Hyunjin follow, they left Felix and Neige alone, the tiger smile and offer a sweets. "Do you want some?"The kitten freaked out and spilled his milk a bit the tiger's deep voice send chills to him.

The tiger pouts when he sense that the kitten is afraid of him. "don't be afraid I wont hurt you, I'm just offering you a sweets you might want some."neige blink his eyes before grabbing one marshmallow in the pack.  The tiger giggled and he sits beside the kitten."

White tigers hybrid like felix is a very rare type, usually they don't survived out with just themselves, good thing the human Chan adopted Felix and Hyunjin, the young Chan knew back then when Hyunjin and Felix was still a cub that they need him, he gave them shelter, clothes, foods and take a good care of them.

The door open revealed Minho, Chan and Hyunjin that caught Neige attention he transform back into his cat form and run to Minho, the older pick him up and hug him.  "Finally I found you, you made me worried so much."Neige meows and brushes his nose to Minho's cheeks, the kitten purrs softly, he's happy that his owner found him.

Hyunjin just look at the two, Chan told Hyunjin and Felix to entertain the guest for a moment, coz he'll prepare the food.  Hyunjin remain quiet and just observing while Felix is the one who's being nice and entertain the guest, Minho's happy meeting another hybrid, Felix is soft and he likes Minho while Hyunjin was aloof and doesn't even give a damn to the visitor.

Minho doesn't notice the time, he took Neige and bid his goodbye to Chan and the others, Felix was clinging into Minho's legs doesn't want the older to go.  "Felix be a good boy, let go Minho."

Felix was crying not letting go of Minho's legs. "Hey sweetie, stop crying. You can sleepover to my place tonight."Minho kneels down and pats Felix head then look at Chan. "Is it okay? So he'll stop crying."The older boy nod his head. "great! We'll have lots of fun kids!"Neige smile and say goodbye before they head out.

Hyunjin feel left out, the older boy taps Hyunjin's shoulder. "I notice you're quiet the whole time."

"I'm just tired hyung."

"ahuh. Anyway help me in here I still don't know if this will work but can I test my new invention to you? If it succeed then you wont be a hybrid anymore."Chan know the risk but then he doesn't have any subject aside from Hyunjin.

"will this work?"

"we'll try, this won't hurt I am sure, if I succeed you'll be back as a human, you're free to find your family again Hyunjin."


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