Chapter 1

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It's been ten years since that happen, Neige is mostly in his human form when he is around with Minho, his owner.  He is the same old kitten when they are young still sweet and mostly clingy to Minho. 

"Neige, Jisung will be here in a minute you should behave okay?"Minho pet him, the cat purrs and lay down on Minho's lap.

"I don't like your boyfriend hyung, he's so cheeky."the older boy laughs and pinch Neige cheeks. "no, Jisung is so cute and fluffy indeed a sweet guy you're gonna like him soon." you thought, Neige whispered.

Neige is just jealous that Minho found someone but he's just here all the time. The younger boy transformed being a cat, he jumps off Minho's lap and walks in sophistication when he heard the doorbell.

He waited for his owner to open the door, Jisung walks in as Neige meows softly licking his paws.

He wave his tail on Jisung's leg and meows softly.  "Babe, your cat seems mad? —

"He looks not to me, I think he likes you."Minho kneels down and pats his head. "Neige go play outside for the meantime."The cat hissed to Jisung before walking away waving its tail.

"God Minho, what's wrong with your cat?"Minho shrugs his shoulder and give his boyfriend a kiss on his cheek. 

Neige went at the backyard his friend came as they both transformed into their human form. "so what happen?"His friend is a hybrid fox named Jeongin. "His boyfriend Jisung is here again, that boy that looks like a squirrel, I even look more handsome than him."

The younger boy laughs.  "That just means you have to be in a relationship with your yarn balls instead rather than a human like him, come on we don't fit to be with them. What others look at us is like we are monsters."Neige sigh and look at the sky.

He just felt a tear fell from his eye, if maybe he was born like a real human being maybe Minho will look at him like how Minho look at Jisung right now. "Oh, Neige your necklace is glowing red."The older boy rolled his eyes." well I need to go for now, master is calling."

"Is it?"

"Don't ask whoever this fucker is, I don't like his guts."Neige went inside the house, he look at Jisung and Minho with disgust seeing them making out on the couch. "disgusting humans."he whispered and went to his room to change into his hoody.

Neige sneak out. He went to the old laboratory and entered it was the same laboratory where he was created by Minho's dad, what does this old hag wants again. "You called?"

"Neige how's my son?"He leans on the wall and look at Minho's father, his creator the reason why he is like this. "he is with his boyfriend today."

"I see, hmm I smell jealousy from you huh."

"what do you want?"

"is that how you talk to the person who created you, where's the respect?"The brown haired boy twitched his lips and secretly rolled his eyes.

"Master what do you want from me?"

"Nothing, I just want to check out my son if he's fine."

He left and walks at the streets, that man just wasted his precious time, it was dark already although he doesn't care at all. He often sees humans being sweet and caring for each other. He heave a sigh and went to the nearest coffee shop, he wonders if he's also a normal human being will Minho look at him the way he looks at Jisung, but how can he love someone like him he is just a cat.

"look who's sulking at the corner."Neige raise his head and saw a boy smiling mischievously." B-bonjour, monsieur."

"So formal, Just Hyunjin."He sit infront of the younger, he feel a bit uncomfortable by Hyunjin's stares. "Hybrid..."

"how did you— the boy chuckled and cut what Neige is about to say. "I am a hybrid too, I guess my senses are more stronger than you, I'm a puma."

"Big cat, I better get going now my owner must be looking for me now."he was about to go when Hyunjin grab his hand to stop him. "can we meet again? Same place, same spot."

"But my master —"

"Please? Meet me here again tomorrow."Neige chuckled and nod his head. "Fine, bye big cat."

"Bye, small kitten."

The younger boy walks back home, he look at the time and saw it was already late, he rushed home and sneak into the back door from the kitchen.

"Finally you're home, where have you been?"He saw Minho looking angrily at him, he pouts and transformed into his kitten form, he walks towards his owner and meows softly.

Minho breathes heavily and sigh but neige keeps on brushing his nose to Minho's leg while purring softly. "How can I stay mad at you, silly cat."Minho picked him up and hug him tight. "I'm just worried, finally you're home don't leave without telling me okay? I'm gonna take you out tomorrow."

Is this the start, as if he was the main character and his owner is the one who meant for him in this story. Neige always admire him, neige always love him but  it grows more and he love him more than anyone could, and he's willing to protect him always as long as he can especially to his father.


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