Chapter 9

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When Chan and jeongin got out of the Laboratory, it was dark already. Chan roam his eyes around he was alarmed when he saw Dr. Lee's men following them, Chan knew that he wont ever let them live, he was carrying Jeongin in his arm and run fast towards his car and drive fast.

His responsibility right now is to keep Jeongin in safety, he called Hyunjin to wait for them outside and make sure Felix wont be exposed to the virus.  They stopped infront of Minho's house as Hyunjin and Felix get in, Chan drove to forest where they knew will be save, far away from the city.

Chan left his car he knew those men are still after him and they will follow them, so Chan decided that they will just walk until they found the big old mansion at the middle of the forest.

"Quickly in the library room."Chan's house is old yet fancy, it's a mansion with full of secret rooms. His family was known because of their wealth, although him and his little brother was the only family member that left, they even need to change name for their safety, his family was murdered however he escape while his little brother was taken but then he was happy that he found him but he was already a hybrid fox and he doesn't remember anything, for his safety he gave Jeongin to his friend and her little sister Yuna.

Chan pulled a book as a  door suddenly open, leading to the secret room, they walk down the stairs.  "Chan I didn't know you own this house."Hyunjin said.

"This is not mine, it's my family's. For now I know we are safe in here."Chan open another door they all went in, Chan heave a sigh and put down Jeongin on the bed."

"What should we do now?" Felix asked, he was terrified especially about the news. Hyunjin hold Felix close to him, the tiger purrs softly and snuggle of Hyunjin's chest.

"I'll call my friend to bring us some foods, and things we need to survive."

Chan called his friend to bring something for them, he waited for his friend outside.

Meanwhile at Dr. Lee's laboratory he stared at Neige, it's finished. He drained all the chemicals and carefully get Neige out of the glass tube. "I did it."

One of Dr. Lee's co worker another Scientist rush to him with a horrified look.  "Dr. Lee, your s-son..."A knot formed on his forehead, they heard a loud thud outside. "What about me huh?"Minho smirked and grab the other scientist on his neck. "Hi dad, you made a huge mistake making me like this, you created your own nightmare."Dr. Lee gasped when Minho threw the guy over those chemicals on the table.

"Minho! Don't step another closer to your father, respect me."Minho keeps on walking towards his father, his aura was scary enough for Doctor Lee to shiver in terror.

"Make me, you are my father but you never became one to me, what am I a thing? making your son as a subject for your experiments? But look you succeed. I'm no longer ordinary."The boy was fast, he was holding Dr. Lee on the neck choking him to death.

"S-son stop I am y-your father."

"You never became a father to me."He threw Dr. Lee hitting his back on the wall, Minho's eyes was all black, he was furious. 

"I will end you."He snap Dr. Lee's neck leaving his father dead, he turn around seeing his father's men, he's gone mad, Minho's raging in anger the serum affects his body a lot he is fast, more flexible and stronger, he defeated them all.

He huff and sighs deeply, his eyes turned back to normal when he saw Neige, the boy was still unconcious. He carried him and walks out the laboratory.

Minho look at the boy, he remove some strand of his bangs on his face and admire the younger's boy beauty, however it's not over yet Minho knew Neige wasn't safe in his hands for now, he have to figure out how to control his self.

"I love you Neige, don't die okay? Live for me. I will always keep you safe but not when I am like this, for now I need to find your family they are looking for you, we will be together again someday."He plants a soft peck on the younger boy's lips.

Minho heave a sigh, not for so long he will be himself, the monster will take over soon the serum is like a poison and it's main goal is to kill every hybrid and that's not good.


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