Chapter 2

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Neige is preparing since he's going to meet big cat later, he promised his master he will tell him wherever he's going but he just can't tell he's going to meet another hybrid, he knew the older male wasn't just a hybrid Hyunjin is a hybrid which is the wild one there are two types of hybrids living in this world, one is the tamed, which can be pet mostly domestics the second is the wild one usually they are free, just by theirselves.

Neige just wear his hoody and sneaks out once again, Minho's busy talking to Jisung over the phone that made him unnoticed his cat left.

He walks inside the cafe and sit at the same spot, a few more minutes Hyunjin arrived wearing a black hoody and a sweat pants. The older boy smile.  "Bonsoir, comment allez-vous?" (Good evening, How are you?)

"I'm fine, I just sneak out just to see you. So what do you want anyway?" Neige yawns he still feel tired after scratching the sofa earlier instead of going out to have fun Minho and him just bought another sofa set and Minho bought something for Neige to scratch on.

"you seem tired."The puma said and chuckled. "I'll order us something to eat."

"cheesecake for me and a cup of coffee latte."Neige sigh and frown seeing his choker starts lighting up again, he covers it until Hyunjin comes back along with the foods.

Neige keeps on hiding it making him unable to eat properly, Hyunjin noticed it as he stood up and leans to the younger boy and removed Neige's hand.  The puma frowns seeing his choker.  "You let the humans do this to you?" Hyunjin was about to pulled it but there's electricity.  "Fuck."he curses under his breath. Neige sigh and look at Hyunjin. " I have to go my master is calling."

"Wait Kitten—" Hyunjin gave Neige his calling card.  "Call or text me when you get home safely, from now on I'll protect you."Neige smile and bowed.

"Good night, Big cat."Neige walks out the coffee shop and look at the small piece of paper he is holding. "Hwang Hyunjin, hmm so that's his name."His eye widens seeing the puma is working in the laboratory, but it is a different one. "I wonder why he is working in a laboratory, he's indeed mysterious."He sighs and went straight to the old laboratory. He saw Minho's father frowning. "what took you so long?"

"m-master I just —" before Neige could finish his sentence he falls down on the ground clutching on his neck trying to remove his choker that gives electric shock, he's breathing heavily and it makes his body weakens.  "the next time I call you better be here on time, understand?"

Neige walks out while breathing heavily, he can't even walk properly, Hyunjin was there watching the younger boy from afar, he got alarmed seeing him faints on the ground, the puma acts fast and catch him on his arms. "so this is where you are working." Hyunjin bring the younger boy to his car and drives home.

At Minho's place, the boy noticed his cat is missing he suddenly feel uneasy.  "how long is he not around."He curses under his breath and dialed Yuna's number the girl just lives next door. "Hey, this is Minho, is neige there? Are they playing? Jeongin and my cat?"

Yuna on the other line spoke. "no, your cat haven't visited yet, Jeongin's sleeping now. I saw him sneak out though but I don't know where he goes."

Minho grabs his coat and went to Yuna's apartment, the girl let him in.  "Ms. Shin, you think we can ask for help? I'm worried about him."

"Alright I'll call my older sister's old friend."Yuna did a video call, a white boy appeared and greeted Yuna and Minho. "Mr. Bang, can you help us, my friend's cat is missing, I hope you can help us find him."

"okay I'll try what does the cat looks like? Can you show me a picture?"Minho get his phone and open his gallery, a sad smile painted on his lips he shows chan his cat."this is my cat neige, and he's a hybrid, this is him in his human form."Minho showed Chan Neige human form.

"oh— that's the boy Hyunjin found."Chan said and send a pic of Neige sleeping on the couch.


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