Chapter 5

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Minho left the house to buy groceries, the older male is with Felix, the white tigers wants to help so Neige is home alone, he starts cleaning the house to make it tidy.

Neige decided to open the tv, he grab snacks and watch his favorite tv show. While he's preparing his food he heard a news about a missing person.

"It's been ten years since Mr. And Ms. Kim lost their only child Kim Seungmin, and until now the boy was still missing, the family is losing their hope that the kid was still alive. The family said will give 1 million Euro as a reward to someone who will return their child Seungmin."Neige got back and watch the news while chewing his food.

"aww this is sad, I hope they find their missing child."Neige whispered and continue chewing the food while watching his favourite dramas.

Felix and Minho are still in the groceries, they just get the important things they needed at home. "Felix thank you for a company me here at the grocery store, usually neige do that but then I can't force him to come with me at this hour since he'll watch his favorite drama."The boy giggled. "It's okay hyung, I am happy to be with you, honestly I don't go out much Chan hyung never let me. But then Hyunjin always sneak out every night finding a new hybrid, my owner is a scientist and he's studying how we can be a normal human being."

"you think he can do that? Well I know how bad neige want to be a human being. I know he's sneaking out and going to my dad's laboratory."

"your dad is a scientist too?"

"yes and he is the one who created Hybrids, him and his co workers, I hate him so much what he did is illegal he took away my cat. Felix, never ask for help to my father incase you want to be human, a person like him will never help without anything that will benefit him."the younger nod his head as a response.

Hyunjin woke up he feels heavy, he open his eyes seeing he's in the living room, he noticed the blanket that covers him and Chan sitting on the floor as his head was slumped down on the sofa, the older male was still wearing his lab coat. The puma sighs and slowly get up not trying to wake up the older boy, he placed the blanket around chan and walks in the kitchen to prepare some breakfast.

The puma heave a sigh and closes his eyes. He pictured out Neige image as small smile formed on his lips.  "Incase I'll die, I wish someone else will take a good care of you."he whispered and cntinue cooking breakfast.

Felix suddenly felt uneasy, he sense something isn't right that's going on. He immediately told Minho to drive him back to Chan's house.  The older put the groceries inside his car and drives felix to the older male's place.

When they arrived, Felix rushed inside to look for Hyunjin. Felix and Hyunjin been together their whole life they can sense if each other is in danger, Felix knew something is wrong with Hyunjin and he can feel it.  "Hyunjin!"Chan was already awake and he heard Felix shouting. "oh you're back, Hyunjin is—" they just heard a loud thud from the kitchen they all rushed there and they saw Hyunjin laying on the floor cold and pale.  "H-hyunjin."Felix speak softly and kneels down to hug Hyunjin. Chan was frozen on his spot, he can't even move a bit and can't be able to breath properly.

"Guys he's still alive let's help him."Minho said and carries Hyunjin.


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