Chapter 6

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Hyunjin woke up inside his room, he still feel weak although he manage to sit up, he felt something sticking into his skin, he saw there's a dextrose beside his bed.

The door opened and Felix revealed with a tray, the tiger smile and put down the tray of food on the table.  "Hey  how are you feeling?" The puma smiled weakly.  "F-felix, you're back. How's Neige?"

"he's perfectly fine. Tell me what happen, please?" hyunjin just held Felix hand tightly.  "Please, take care of him you and his owner I know his life is in great danger look after him."Hyunjin closed his eyes amd exhaled deeply.

"H-hyunjin, what are you s-saying? Didn't you said you'll protect him yourself? You said you want him as your mate right? Then what's this? Yah don't speak l-like that."Felix starts sobbing tears drips down on his face.

"L-look at me Felix."The older boy wipes the tiger's tears. "Neige loves his master so much, I observed it the way he looks at him. I want to be that p-person but look we aren't compatible too I'm a puma and he's just a cat, we don't suits each other."The puma chuckled softly.

Felix heave a sigh and just starts feeding Hyunjin, the puma fallen asleep after he ate. The tiger went out his room and there he burst out of tears, he feel it Hyunjin is saying goodbye indirectly.

Neige was busy watching when he heard a knock on the door. 'It must be them.'He said to himself.
"Coming!"he shouts and rush towards the door.

Neige open the door seeing the men of Minho's father. Neige keeps on struggling from their grip dragging the poor kitten inside the car. "What's the meaning of this?"He yelled the moment he saw Minho's dad. "Well you know kitten, I heard the news that someone is looking for you, a big reward, look at the 1 million euro, more money that means I can do more things."the man gavw him a cunning smile. "W-what do you m-mean?"

Neige hissed and bites the men that are holding him he run but more men came and grab him.  "come on kid, I'm giving you a favor you can meet your real family now isn't that exciting? A family reunion." Dr. Lee push the button that's connected to Neige collar the kitten drops his knees on the ground he instantly loses his strength.

"Ungrateful brat, just be thankful I'm doing you a favor, I'll make you a human again. Put him in." Dr. Lee commanded his men, he smirked and activated the machine.  "After this, I can create more creatures that no man can do. I'll be the most famous Scientist all over the world creating monsters from their fantasy."

Minho came home noticing the house is open, he has a bad feeling about it.  "Neige?"he shouts and look for his cat.

His heart sunken, when he can't find him. There's only one he fears of...

And that is Neige will leave him.


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