Chapter 17

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"Chan how's Minho doing?" Jisung asked, the older look at him and shook his head. "Still unconscious, I've extracted all the poison in his body, but still he's not waking up."

Jisung look at Minho and sat down beside him, the younger gently grab his hand. "I'll leave you alone with him first." Chan said and left the room to give Jisung some space.

The younger smiled bitterly, it's painful for him seeing Minho in this kind of state however he cannot do anything at all to help him, he's not like Chan who are a smart and capable scientist, and he's not Seungmin as well, whom Minho truly needs.

"Hi, Min. I don't know if you can hear me but I still want to try." Jisung let out a deep breath and gently squeeze Minho's hand. "I want to apologize to you, I act on impulse that day, I let my grudge towards hybrids to cloud my judgement, I might have hurt you a lot when I dumped you like that, I was being selfish and unreasonable, I let my fear consume me."

Jisung let's out a deep sigh, holding Minho's hand tightly. "I already accepted that our story ends since that day I walked away from you, I know you have someone else in your heart now, and I'm happy for you that you found the one you want to care for the rest of your life, but for now you need to wake up, Seungmin is waiting for you." Jisung gasped when he felt Minho's hand move.

"Y-you can hear me right? Min, you must wake up.   Seungmin, me and everyone is waiting for you." Jisung let out another sigh and gently put down Minho's hand. "you must recover soon, don't make him wait that long, you know Hyunjin's with him, what if he fall for that big cat?" Jisung was just kidding and about to leave the room.

"No way, I'm not allowing him to fall inlove with that guy." The younger gasped when he heard that faint voice behind him. He turn his head and saw Minho trying to get up from his bed. "Min!" He rushed back and examine Minho. "you're awake, thank god you're awake, how do you feel right now?"

"Annoyed, don't joke like that or I'll shred you to pieces." Minho's staring at Jisung shooting glares at him. "Alright alright. Geez you easily gets jealous just by that, you're not even like that when we're together." The older rolled his eyes. "I'm going to see Seungmin, help me up."

"Eh no, you're still weak you just woke up." Jisung stop Minho from getting out of the bed. "I feel okay, all I need is to see him."

"Lee Minho! Don't make me call Chan."

"Oh shut up, that oldie can't stop me from leaving."

The door swung open when Minho was about to leave, he was surprised to see who are the person infront of him right now.

"seungmin?" The older mumbled his name, the younger rushed to him and give him a hug. "I'm glad you're okay."

"H-how did you got in here? Aren't you staying with your mom?" Jisung took one last glance at Minho who only have eyes for seungmin, a small smile formed on his lips and finally decided to leave the two alone.

"You okay there?" He saw Felix who looks concerned for him. "I'm okay, I'm glad Minho's awake now, where's chan?"

"Well since the unknown hybrid's awake he went there to check, I don't know what's going on, but I think it was indeed infected."

"I see, let's go we should give Seungmin and Minho some time together." Jisung unconsciously grab Felix hand who are surprised on his sudden action, the older drag him along with him away at that room where Minho's staying.

Felix couldn't help it but to smile, glad to see that Jisung's changing his perspective about them, and the fact Jisung wasn't scared of him anymore, that truly make him happy, and he just can't help himself but to admire the older even more.

Everyone is hoping it'll end soon, all of them don't have any idea what future awaits them, the mess that happens, it needs to be resolve soon.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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