Chapter 8

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Jeongin was screaming in pain, while Minho's father keeps on hitting his leg non stop.  The fox whimpers and cried.

"Take off his shirt... I'll give that to my son as a gift."The fox manage to growl even he feel so weak.

Jeongin breathes heavily and crawls out of room, he turned himself as a fox and finds where Neige is, the little fox cried whimpering from pain he feel on his leg and leans on the glass tube where seungmin is, he saw few changes from the boy, his ears are gone the tail fading.

"N-neige hyung..."He taps the glass weakly. The fox was so weak to move, his body aches so much.

Chan was so worried about Jeongin, it's been days passed yet they haven't seen him so as Neige.  He sighs deeply and look at his photo album, it was only him and Jeongin before he was taken away.  "My little brother don't deserve this, I need to move fast and find them."

"Hyung..."Chan turned his head a saw Hyunjin, he smiled and walks towards the younger boy and hug him. "How do you feel? Damn you're completely different now, no tails, no cat ears no fangs you're —

"A human..."Chan sighs in relief, it worked his invention works, although dangerous but then he did it, once he find Jeongin he will never hesitates anymore he wanted to give them a normal life especially now Hybrids are in great danger.

"Hyunjin, bring the gun inside my drawer. We are going to find Jeongin and Neige today."Chan received a text from minho, the boy already digit ed out who could do such a thing like that and it was his father.

"Hyunjin, you sure you are okay now? We're going to Minho's place then stay there with Felix, Minho and I will break into his dad's laboratory."Hyunjin nod his head and gave Chan his gun, he always have this inside his drawer just incase he needed it, it is dangerous outside so they have to be extra careful.

The moment they went out, the place was peaceful no people outside no signs of a savage hybrids. Chan sigh in relief and get into his car and drove to Minho's place.

"you sure you will break into your dad's lab without any protection for yourself? God Minho are you that willing to risk your life for them?"Chan asked and Minho sighs. "All my life Neige is the only person who's there for me after my mother died, He might be younger than me but he never get tired of understanding me, caring about me. Maybe if this did not happen I wont realize how much important he is to me, and how big his impact here."pointed on his chest. "All I know back then is I am inlove with Jisung and I never give Neige too much attention, but now I'll make things right I will never do that again, I love him and I will save him. I hope it wasn't too late for me to take him back."

"Minho hyung, everything isn't late as long as we are living. Go and save him, Please save Neige. You know I wanted to be the person who will protect him since the day my eyes landed on him but then I am a Puma jungle cats aren't compatible with the domestic one. Do your best hyung."Hyunjin said he was Hugging Felix who's crying right now because he was scared of everything, scared of losing a friend.

"I will, for sure my dad won't hurt me I am still his son. Let's go now, let's save Neige and Jeongin."

It's been a week since the day Neige been taken, and it's also a week, Dr. Lee is developing another chemical, he look at it and smirked. The alarm rings telling someone broke in.

Minho and chan split up they are both armored with guns, although Minho doesn't really know how to use it he will try to keep himself safe.

Dr. Lee immediately put the serum in the syringe and hide it inside his pocket, the door open and it revealed his son looking at him with hatred and anger.

"Dad where is neige."Dr. Lee smirked and points at the big glass tube. "Here's your cat."Minho gasped and throw his gun and immediately run towards Neige, he bangs the glass. "Neige can you hear me? Let him out in here dad please."Minho cried. "He can't hear you son, don't you want him to live in a normal life?"

"I want him to be with me."

"Well you cannot! Take the fox and leave here Minho, Neige is going back to his real family."

"I am Neige family! He should be with me."

"But Kim Seungmin isn't yours, Neige is."

"w-what do you mean?"He stares at the boy inside the glass tube, he noticed Neige's cat ears and tail is gone, he looks like a human being now.

"See, that wasn't Neige now he isn't a hybrid anymore. Once its completed he won't remember anything about you, it will just hurts you more son."Minho was about to say anything but it was interupted when the door harshly open.

"Boss we caught this person wandering around."It was Chan, Minho gasped. "Minho thank God you're okay."Chan said.

"You brought a company? You just bring him to his death, how selfish you are son. Kill that person along with the fox."

"Dad no! Please don't kill my friends I'll do anything."Dr. Lee smirked. "Oh you really will."

"No Minho! Just save them."Chan said and struggles from the man's grip.

"now Minho son, I will release your friends but you will do as I say."

"no don't listen to him, you know how cunning your father is right? You know that yourself be wise Minho!"

"shut up I am still his father, now son..."Dr. Lee get the syringe inside his lab coat pocket. "I will make sure everything will be fine. Please have a sit."His friends exhaled deeply as Minho obey his father.

"D-dad what's this?" Minho gasped he can't move, he was stuck on the chair both hand and feet was tied.  "This is just quick, I want to know if this will works."He smirked and inject the serum to Minho, he yelps in pain and blood rushing in Minho's veins as the serum was flowing inside fast poisoning his blood.

Chan was struggling when he got free he attack the guy who tried to stop them. "One more step and I'm not afraid to kill this little guy."Dr. Lee smirked and he picked up a cage and pointed the gun to Jeongin, which is inside the small cage while in his fox form. "J-jeongin."Chan stopped from breathing when he saw how awful his little brother looks right now.

"Take the fox and leave my son alone, never show your face to me ever again."chan can't do anything at all, they are already surrounded by Dr. Lee's men, Chan free Jeongin and carry him they run fast to escape.

Dr. Lee smirked watching them run away, he look at his men. "Kill them, make sure they are dead."


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