Chapter 11

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Jisung wander around Chan's place, it was well preserved like a palace in medieval time. He saw a big paintings on the wall.  "They must be Chan's ancestors."He mumbles at the end he saw Chan and Jeongin's picture, Jisung blink his eyes. "Isn't that the boy Yuna is always playing with?"

Jisung startled when someone taps his shoulder, he flinch and back away when he saw it was Felix. "D-don't come near me."

"Why are you so afraid? I'm not gonna hurt you."Jisung clench his fist. "Why do you care? Leave!"the boy push Felix away good thing Hyunjin was there to stop Jisung. "Stop that, can't you see Felix is trying his best to be your friend."

"Well I don't need a friend like him, tsk filthy hybrids."He push Hyunjin and Felix and walks out. Jisung at the other side felt bad, he hid behind those large pillars and look at Felix and Hyunjin, the older boy is trying to calm Felix which is currently crying now.  He knew he's been too much but then that wont change a hybrid killed his family, he will never forget that.

He sigh and left, he's staying because of Chan, that's all. Jisung walks downstairs, he saw Yuna holding a small fox it was laying on her lap.  "Hybrid."He mumbled. "Is there any normal people in this house."He sighs and looks out the window, he saw pairs of eyes staring back at him, he suddenly feel nervous. 

"C-chan!"Jisung runs to the older male tugging his lab coat. "T-there's monster outside!"

"Ji just sleep come on it's getting late."

"But I swear there is a monster!"they heard a knock on the door. Jisung quickly hide behind Chan. "There it is the monster, Chan save us!"Chan rolled his eyes and walks towards the front door and peak at the small hole on the door. "jisung will you stop tugging my clothes, my pants is wearing off you scaredy cat."Chan glares at the younger boy and pulled his pants up and look at the peephole again, Chan's eyes widens it wasn't a monster but a hybrid that needs help.

Chan immediately open the door, blood covered the unknown hybrid. "Felix! Hyunjin! I need help here!"the boys helps Chan to carry the hybrid that was almost lifeless now.

They carry the hybrid to bed as Chan starts treating the hybrid's wounds. Hyunjin can't stop himself staring at the stranger, memories of him when he was a hybrid came back, the hybrid is just like him a puma which right now is having a battle, fighting for her life.  "Chan what should we do?"

"Maybe lets just treat her wounds."Chan said. "chan what if that's one of a hybrid that aren't in theirselves? He can kill us we can't keep him in."Jisung said.

"Jisung if that's true then we need him more so we can study about the hybrids and whatever is happening outside in the city, hybrids wont be like that if something didn't happen, I am a hybrid myself too before."Hyunjin said. Jisung rolled his eyes on him.

"Did I ask you to tell that to me pretty boy?"Jisung said eyeing the boy from head to toe. "That's enough guys, lets just hope this hybrid isn't like those savage one in the city."Chan said.

They all left but then Hyunjin decided to stay, he look closer to the person which he knew was older than him, Hyunjin sigh and sits down looking after the hybrid.

"I wonder what happen."Hyunjin himself checks out the hybrid, she have a few cuts on her face but then you can still clearly see how good looking the person is, there's also a severe bleeding on her stomach, but then Hyunjin is sure that the wounds wasn't just did by an ordinary person it was so inhuman, the wounds are deep it won't stop from bleeding, however Hyunjin is doing what Chan thought him incase of this kind of emergency, he won't let the poor hybrid die.

Seungmin was quiet adjusting in the new place but somehow he still feel completely empty, he was longing for something he doesn't even know what is.

"Did your memories cameback now?"Changbin asked giving a glass of milk to the younger. "I wonder what happen to you hmm, you don't drink milk that much back then."the older chuckled.  Seungmin look at him. "Well I don't know either Hyung, I just wanna know about myself too, lately I've been dreaming about someone a boy, but then the faces was blur and I can't see clearly."

"Hmm maybe it's your memories coming back, maybe it's me and you when we are together before. "Changbin said. "N-no it was different I know it wasn't you, it was someone I know that's close here in my heart, I can feel it."The older nod his head. "Perhaps it is... And if he is really that important I wish you never remember."Changbin mumbled the last sentence he said but Seungmin  heard it clearly, even though he was a human now his senses was still stronger than an ordinary person.

Seungmin manage to smile and took the older's hand.  "can we go to the city next time?"

"Well uhh... I don't know if mom will allow us too, you know there's a lot of happenings in the city lately we should stay indoors where it safe."

"Alright, I guess I'll stay in my room and read some books, Bye Bin hyung."Seungmin bid his goodbye to the older boy, Changbin sigh and let seungmin vanish on his sight, after that he called Mrs. Kim.

"Changbin why did you call? I'm currently in a meeting."

"Mom, I think Seungmin's memory of that boy Lee Minho is slowly coming back, what should we do?"

"Let's talk in my office after my meeting, he shouldn't remember a thing about that boy ever again."


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