Chapter 12

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Chan's walking back and forth, the hybrid they found at their door step's still unconscious, until now he feel uneasy since they aren't safe. "Chan will you stop walking back and forth I'm starting to feel dizzy because of you!"Jisung said while face palming. Everyone feel unsafe, especially outside.

"I guess we better get some rest for the meantime, Chan you should get some rest too, you've been working so hard already."Yuna said, she carry Jeongin and starts heading inside the room.

Chan let's out a sigh, he feel frustrated at everything that is happening right now, and he's worried about Minho as well. "Chan, still no traces of Minho hyung?" Felix asked, Chan shook his head. "I can't track him down."

Hyunjin rush towards chan and showed him a video of a news. "Chan hyung! It's Minho, he's killing all the hybrids at the city, what are we going to do?" Chan is alarmed, the poison from Minho's body is taking over him. "We need to stop Minho and bring him here, he needs to be cured or else if the poison fully take over, we'll lose him."

Jisung at the other side is worrying when we heard the news. "Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Jisung it's dangerous outside, much better for you to stay here with Yuna and Felix." Jisung was about to protest yet he have no choice, he let's out a sigh and just went to the kitchen, he saw the hybrid baking something.

"You can bake?" Felix startled on Jisung's sudden appearance, shock is evident on his face but then smile later on. "Yes, do you want to have a taste? Here try some of my brownies." Jisung is hesitant at first but then he took a bite on Felix brownies.

His face blushed after tasting it, yet he don't want to admit it taste heavenly. "How was it?" The white tigr is very anticipated for Jisung's answer. "it's edible."

Felix smiled brightly at Jisung and gave him more. "Can you give some to Yuna? She's been taking care of Jeongin I'm sure she's hungry as well." Jisung just nod his head and took the plate Felix handed to him. "Thank you Jisungie, I'll bake you a cheesecake next time."That made Jisung stop and turn his head to Felix, how can this person be so nice? He asked himself.



"Seungmin." He turn his head to look at the person who called him. "Yes, mom?"She smiled and held her son's hand. "Are you adjusting well?" Seungmin gave her a small smile. "I'm doing fine."

"I'm relieved then."

"Mom, I want to ask something."

"What is it?"

"Do you know the promise Changbin hyung told me? I can't remember anything, I'm incapable, I feel bad."

"Son, don't push yourself so much. You'll eventually remember us soon."

Seungmin asked his mom if he can go, the moment she agreed he immediately went to his room.

He keeps on thinking about the person he saw last time, he can feel a strong connection to him as if he knows him his whole life. He heard some noises and rustle sounds at the roof he open his window and turn off the light, he only open the small lamp beside his bed and pretend to be asleep.

He can hear footsteps inside his room, he want to talk to that person and ask him why he's always lingering around him.

He can feel someone is watching him, he can feel the person pull the blanket to cover it more on him that's why he took that chance and sat up to grab the person, their eyes met on Seungmin's sudden action, shock is evident on the person's eyes.

"Y-you're awake?" A smirk formed on seungmin's lips. "I was awake this whole time, waiting for you."the older bit his lower lip and look away. "I have to go."

"Stay... I can feel it, I've known you, I just can't remember."

"Let go, please."

"No, I don't want to."Seungmin pulled him even closer they can see each other clearly on the position, they're just staring at each other, until Seungmin just suddenly had an urge to hug Minho, he don't understand why but he can feel that he's home, in his arms.

Minho's hesitant if he'll hug him back yet he couldn't resist it anymore, he miss him so much. "I missed you." Minho whispered inaudibly.

They withdraw the hug, Seungmin smiled at him. "Who are you?"

"My name's Minho."

"Min... can I call you Min?"The older nod his head. "I'm Seungmin, but may I ask why are you always lingering here?"

"N-nothing, I just want to...see you."

They heard a sudden knock on the door, they look at each other and Minho gestured that he's leaving, even though Seungmin doesn't want to he let go of the older male.

"Come in." The person was Changbin, he's holding a tray. "I brought you a glass of milk and a few biscuits, I heard something, are you talking to someone?"

Seungmin smiled at Changbin. "Thank you for this, and no I'm alone perhaps that's from what I was watching earlier, it finished right after you came."

"I see, I'll leave now, goodnight seung."


Seungmin sigh in relief right after Changbin left, he get off the bed and lock the door, he went to the window and look around to check if minho's still there, and luckily he was. "Min, you can comeback now, he already left." The older male leap through the window and wraps his arms around the younger's waist. " Does doing this makes you feel uncomfortable?" Seungmin shook his head, instead he can feel security in his arms. "No, I don't."

"Good to know. I'll visit you again next time, I really have to go now." He plant a soft kiss on seungmin's forehead before leaving, the younger can't help it but to feel something when minho did that, his face blushed because of the older's actions, he likes what he did and he hopes minho will do comeback again soon.


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