Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"Ahhh!" Gothel cried out in agonizing pain. She was giving birth to her first child at four-hundred twenty-two, and as far as I've heard, giving birth at any age is incredibly strenuous and painful, so her screeches were justified.

"Almost there, Gothel. Just a little bit harder!"

"Is she here yet?" Gothel practically screamed.

"She's here!" Zhan Tiri exclaimed excitedly.

"Finally!" Gothel was relieved that she'd never have to go through that again.

Zhan Tiri picked up the baby girl, who had pale skin, rosy cheeks, glowing green eyes, and jet black hair.

"7 pounds, 15 ounces," Zhan Tiri declared. "And 22 inches!"

"Let me see her!" Gothel demanded.

Zhan Tiri surrendered the newborn to her mother, who held the baby for a few seconds before getting bored.

"She looks just like her father".

"She doesn't have a father".

"Well, if she did, she'd look just like him. Take her away!"

"Fine, I'll take her," Zhan Tiri agreed. "But only because you need to get some rest. You've had a long 24 hours and should try to sleep. I'll take the baby back to the cottage and care for her until you're ready to come home. Her training starts tomorrow!"

"Great," Gothel replied to the demoness. "I still don't think this was necessary, but hey. What do I know, I'm just a lowly immortal".

"And I'm just the all-powerful demon who gave you immortality. Now go to sleep!" Zhan Tiri used her powers to put the new mother to sleep, as she was getting irritated with her complaining.

"Now, come with me, little one. You're going to be the perfect little puppet!"

The next morning, Cassandra was up bright and early. Sure, it was Sunday and she could sleep in, but she had things to do, such as her first official fencing match with the Captain of the Guards! Sure, they had sword fights when she was a kid, but now she was training to become a real guard. This wasn't a dream, she kept telling herself. This was real life.

Like the day before, Cassandra quickly fed Owl, made her bed, got dressed, had breakfast, and got out to meet with the Captain.

"Hey there, kiddo. How did you sleep?"

"Don't call me that! And I slept fine, thank you. How about you, Cap?"

"It's Captain, to you," he jokingly replied while playfully wagging his finger at her. "And I also slept well. Are you ready to lose?"

"No," she confidently claimed. "Are you?"

"You are a stubborn one, aren't you? Alright, on guard!"

The two began fencing with a small crowd gathering to watch.

"Is that Cassandra? Ooh, she didn't tell me she got to practice with the captain today! This is so exciting! Go Cass!" Rapunzel called out, much to Cassandra's embarrassment.

Cassandra tried to keep her composure and only cringed slightly at her sister's cheers.

"Ha! CassAndra beating the Captain of the Guards? Pascal has a better chance", Eugene retorted while chomping on popcorn.

"Hey! Pascal is a great fighter," Rapunzel defended her little green friend, who politely stuck his tongue at the seemingly witty young man.

"Yeah, and so is Cass!" Lance joined in while also chowing down on popcorn.

Lousy Little Pest! | Sequel to Gothel's Greatest GiftWhere stories live. Discover now