Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

It was Monday, October 12, and Mother Gothel had gone out to buy some fruit. Rapunzel and Cassandra were both hard at work doing their respective puzzles, as Gothel expected them both to be finished by the time she got back. Cassandra and Rapunzel had never not finished in time, but knew that their mom meant business, so they didn't want to find out what would happen if they didn't finish on time.

"Ugh! I can't do it!" Rapunzel wailed. She was getting visibly frustrated with her puzzle, which was honestly far too challenging for a four-year-old to complete on her own.

"What's wrong, Rapunzel?" Cassandra checked on her little sister.

"I can't find the last piece!" Rapunzel threw her hands to the ground frustratedly, and looked like she was about to cry. She didn't want to disappoint her strict, but fair, nanny, and even though she had never done so, she knew she didn't want to find out what would happen if she did.

Cassandra felt bad for her sister, knowing her mother wouldn't be happy if they didn't both finish.

"I'll help you look!"

"But we're not supposed to help each other!" Rapunzel tried arguing with Cassandra, but Cassandra didn't care. If Rapunzel got in trouble, Cassandra knew she'd be guilty by association. Besides, sisters protect each other, no matter the cost.

"What you do when no one's watching is your business" Cassandra smirked as the two began their search.

Rapunzel and Cassandra both looked far and wide for the missing piece, until Cassandra finally found it under a turned-up corner of the rug.

"I found it!"

Rapunzel was so relieved to be able to finish her puzzle.

"Thank you, Cassandra!"

"No problem!" Cassandra shrugged relievedly.

Both girls finished their puzzles long before Gothel returned and even had time to sweep the floors, which made Gothel very happy. Even though their mother would call them weak for doing so, the two sisters could accomplish so much more when they worked together.

"We have to stop the sneezeweasel!"

"We have to save Eugene!"

Cassandra and Rapunzel were both ready to jump into action, but didn't agree on what needed to happen first. They started running in opposite directions, but quickly remembered that they were still chained at the heels and ran into each other, both tumbling to the ground.

"Alright, this is ridiculous!" Cassandra bellowed. "We have to work together!"

"Alright, first we'll get the sneezeweasel, and then we'll save Eugene," Rapunzel declared confidently.
Both girls, arms linked, began running as fast as they could towards the sneezeweasel, which unfortunately forced them to go through Rapunzel's "edgy" obstacle course.

"Okay, I'm sort of regretting my whole 'edgy' thing right about now", and Rapunzel was right to regret it. She and Cassandra were faced with a narrow path of broiling hot lava and burning molten rocks. Where did Rapunzel get lava and molten rocks? That's a secret she'll never tell. Believe me, I've asked.

Cassandra and Rapunzel stared down the lava, not knowing how they'd get across it. Fortunately, there was a wooden barrel beside the path just waiting to be rolled on.

Cassandra looked towards the barrel, and then back at Rapunzel.

"I know how we can get across". She had a knowing smirk across her face.

Lousy Little Pest! | Sequel to Gothel's Greatest GiftWhere stories live. Discover now