Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

"On your mark, get set, go!" Gothel called to her girls, who began sprinting as fast as they could across the royal field.

"I'm gonna win!" Rapunzel cheered to Cassandra while she dashed to the finish line.

"No you're not!" Cassandra countered, easily crossing the finish line first.

"I win!" Cassandra whooped, while jumping up and down for joy. Since Gothel always rigged games in Rapunzel's favor, Cassandra never won at anything. It felt good.

"Good job, Cassandra!" Gothel applauded her daughter. "You win a ribbon!"

Gothel pinned the first-place ribbon on her daughter's dress, who wore it with pride and couldn't wait to show it to everyone!

"I want a ribbon!" Rapunzel wailed, as she had never lost at anything before. It didn't feel good.

"You didn't win!" Cassandra fired back at the four-year old.

"Don't be a sore winner, Cassandra!" Gothel reprimanded the eight-year-old. "Rapunzel is only little, don't you think you could share your ribbon?"

"NO! It's mine!" Cassandra retaliated. Little Rapunzel began to cry.

"Now, look what you've done, Cassandra!" Gothel hissed at her older daughter. "You've made Rapunzel cry! Now I need you to give your ribbon to Rapunzel".



"Fine," Cassandra surrendered sadly. As Cassandra pinned her ribbon onto Rapunzel's dress, the young princess began prancing happily all over the castle.

"Look, mommy and daddy, I won a ribbon!"

"Great job, Rapunzel!"

Cassandra sat in her room, sulking at her mistreatment. Why was her mother so cold towards her? Why didn't she like her? Rapunzel wasn't even her real daughter, and she still favored her! Cassandra knew she wasn't going to get any attention doing what she was doing now. She needed to try harder. She needed to be more competitive, but not for ribbons. For her mother's attention.

"Hmm, okay, let's see," Cassandra read over Rapunzel's Goodwill Festival ideas. "Bobbing for apples? Ring toss juggling? Raps, are you sure people here are into pony rides?"

"Who doesn't love pony rides?" Rapunzel asked genuinely.

"I hate pony rides, ya clod!" that old lady that loved taunting Rapunzel taunted.

"Like I said, not final," Rapunzel spoke quietly while hovering over her list, trying to conceal its contents embarrassedly. "Did you have any ideas for events?"

Cassandra tossed Rapunzel a crumpled-up piece of paper, which Rapunzel retrieved, uncrumpled, and began to read. "Hmm. Human Pinata? Spit Target Practice? Okay, I-I don't even know what this is!" Rapunzel was noticeably horrified at Cassandra's graphic drawings of people in pain.

"That would be Piranha Dunk Tank, Rapunzel," Cassandra cleared up pompously while looking for her weapon of choice.

"Um, I'm not sure these scream goodwill," Rapunzel admitted to her sister.

This gave Cassandra a great idea. "Goodwill Scream Contest! Great idea! We can see who can scream the loudest!"

"Outta my way!" a man screamed while shoving past Cassandra.

Lousy Little Pest! | Sequel to Gothel's Greatest GiftWhere stories live. Discover now