Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

"Mama! Rapunzel! Guess what?" Cass came bursting through the front door, eager to share her good news.

"What is it, Cassandra?" little Rapunzel asked sweetly.

"The Captain of the Guard put me in charge of training the new castle guards!"

"Really?" Rapunzel's wide-eyed smile said it all. She was so proud of her sister and wanted to be just like her one day.

"Well, technically he's still in charge, but he said I could help!"

"That's great!"

"Thanks, Raps! Did you hear that, mama?"

Gothel was looking at herself in the mirror, paying no mind to what her daughter just said.

"Mother Gothel, did you hear what Cassandra said?" Rapunzel asked her nanny.

"Thanks for picking up the groceries, Cassandra".

Cassandra looked at her mother dumbfounded. That's not what she just said!

"No, mama, The Captain of the Guards is letting me help train the new guards!"

"Oh, that's great, dear". While Mother Gothel's words were sound, her tone sounded less than interested. She seemed to care far more about her appearance than her daughter's accomplishment.

"Just don't let it get to your head, Cassandra," Gothel added, now more engaged in the conversation while still applying her ruby red lipstick.

"The Captain might tell you he's letting you help, but he only feels bad for you because he knows what you're capable of". Gothel then put away her lipstick and set her makeup bag onto the desk.

"What's that?" Cassandra questioned.

Gothel came down from her vanity, kneeled down to Cassandra's level, and looked her dead in the eyes. "Absolutely nothing".

"Nothing", Cassandra had told her friends just a few moments before. She was sure she had heard something, but didn't want to alarm anyone, especially if it really had been nothing. Plus, now that the three were being chased by vicious slayer wolves, Cassandra's decision to keep to herself seemed like the right one.

"They're gaining on us!" Rapunzel cried to the group while running for their lives.

"What are these things?" Cassandra asked Eugene, who had grown up in the wilderness.

"Don't worry, it's just a pack of slayer wolves," Eugene replied, as if what he just said was no big deal. "Come on! This way!"

Cassandra, Rapunzel, and Eugene continued to sprint through the terrain, not thinking about where they were going, until they hit a tall, steep cliff.

"It's a dead end!" Cassandra exclaimed nervously. She and Rapunzel began backing up, not knowing how they'd get out of this situation. Eugene, however, didn't seem phased by their new predicament.

"It's not a dead end, Cass," Eugene reassured her. "It's just got good acoustics".

Eugene suddenly pulled a tambourine out of his pocket and shook it passionately, scaring the trembling wolves, who then began to howl in agony before running away.

"See?" Eugene then turned to the princesses. "Good acoustics".

"That was incredible, Eugene!" Rapunzel gushed over her orphaned friend before hugging him thankfully.

Lousy Little Pest! | Sequel to Gothel's Greatest GiftWhere stories live. Discover now