Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

"We're almost to the castle, my love!" Gothel cheerfully informed her daughter, who had never been outside of their cottage before.

"Yay!" Cassandra jumped up and down in excitement, which slightly annoyed her mother, but since they were about to be in the presence of royalty, Mother Gothel decided it best to keep her composure and not reprimand her young daughter, just this once.

"Now remember, Cassandra, you're going to be meeting the king and queen, so be sure to be on your best behavior! If all goes well, we'll get to stay in the castle forever!"

"I'm so excited!" Cassandra squealed, giddily grabbing her dress and twirling around on one foot, while still being careful not to step in any mud or get her dress dirty. Sure, her mother was in a good mood now, but who knew how long that would last?


The mother-daughter duo finally made it to the castle, and after their formal introductions, the two got to meet the newborn princess for the first time.

"Here she is!" Queen Arianna whispered to the mother and daughter.

"Princess Rapunzel, named after a cabbage!" King Frederic chortled.

"I don't think it was a cabbage dear," Queen Arianna smiled amusedly at her husband.

"Never mind her name! Let me see the princess!" Gothel exclaimed impatiently, motioning baby Rapunzel into her cold, clammy hands.

When the creepy old woman finally got her grip on Princess Rapunzel, she couldn't help but notice her long, golden hair. She stroked her withered fingers through it, humming the healing incantation as she stroked, and reviving herself once more. Much better, she thought. Somehow, the king, queen, and Cassandra didn't notice Gothel's little trick.

"And you must be Cassandra?" Arianna turned towards the four-year-old girl.

"Yes, your majesty," Cassandra replied timidly while giving a small curtsy.

"Would you like to hold Rapunzel?" the king asked Cassandra.

"Yes please!" she cried, earning her a judgmental side-eye from Gothel.

"Alright, then. Sit down," Arianna instructed the girl, who happily obliged.

Gothel was reluctant to give up her life-giving hair, but still let her young daughter have a turn holding the princess.

"Here you go, Cassandra," Gothel handed Rapunzel to Cassandra, who was beaming with joy.

"Hi, baby Rapunzel," Cassandra whispered. "You and me are going to be best friends!"

"I know it's crazy, Pascal, but if Quaid is even half the inspiration Eugene says he is, Vardaros could be on its way back to greatness," Rapunzel told her chameleon friend, who happily nodded in agreement. Cassandra and Eugene were not amused with Rapunzel's insistence on helping Vardaros, but, then again, they were never amused. Unless, of course, they were taunting one another, but I digress.

"Alright, we're here!" Vex informed the crowd before going up to Captain Quaid's front door.

Rapunzel skipped and bounced over to Quaid's front porch, knowing for certain that he would help bring Vardaros back to its glory days. Sure, she had never met the guy and had no idea what he was like in real life, but this is Rapunzel we're talking about. What's not to love about her?

Lousy Little Pest! | Sequel to Gothel's Greatest GiftWhere stories live. Discover now