Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Cassandra had been home alone for hours, doing her assigned tasks of sweeping, mopping, and scrubbing the floors. Her mother told her that she had several errands to run, but Cassandra didn't know what that meant. All she knew was that she missed her mom and wanted her to come home soon.

As she was still scrubbing, Cassandra heard the door begin to open and ungracefully galloped towards it, dropping her scrubbing supplies to the floor.

"Cassandra! I'm home!" Gothel called out in her grating voice.

"Mama!" Cassandra called back, running in for a hug.

Gothel began to embrace the girl before noticing the cleaning supplies on the floor.

"Cassandra! I thought I told you to clean up the floor, not make more of a mess!"

Cassandra turned back around to see that she had accidentally knocked over the entire bucket of dirty water onto the floor while running to her mother.

"Mama, I-"

"I don't want to hear your excuses! I want you to scrub the entire house, top to bottom again!"

So Cassandra got back to work. It took her several tries to get the house to her mother's approval, but she did it.

Cassandra was cleaning out the caravan while Rapunzel had gone out to look for Eugene. She scrubbed the floors, windows, ceiling, and every corner in the caravan. She didn't leave one corner untouched when cleaning, and thus didn't clean very often. "If it can't be perfect, I might as well not do it!" Because of this, when she did get her spaces clean, it felt like a huge accomplishment for her, as well as a lingering weight lifted off of her shoulders.

When she finally went to lay down on the couch, she noticed one little hair in the far corner of the caravan.

How could she have missed it? She began hyperventilating. Her palms grew sweaty, her heart was quickly beating, and she felt like she was losing her mind.

She began to crawl into a little ball on the couch, not being able to bring herself to clean up the hair, but also not being able to let it go. She wished she could just disappear.

"Cassandra!" Rapunzel called out, clearly worried about something. "Eugene has been kidnapped! Cassandra?" Rapunzel saw her sister crawled up into a ball. It looked like she was crying, but Rapunzel couldn't tell.

Cassandra shot up to her feet upon hearing Rapunzel, and wiped her tears away. "Hi, Rapunzel! I cleaned up the caravan!"

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine," Cassandra reassured her. "I just got something in my eye," Cassandra lied.

"Eugene has been kidnapped?"

Rapunzel knew Cassandra was lying, but also knew they needed to help Eugene, so she thought they could talk about it after saving him.

"Yes, his ex-fiance, Stalyan, is forcing him to marry her!"


"Yes, and she poisoned Maximus to make sure he went through with it".

"Oh, now that girl has gone too far!"

"What should we do?"

"Well, we're going to go save Eugene and Maximus".

"Alright, let's go!"

Lousy Little Pest! | Sequel to Gothel's Greatest GiftWhere stories live. Discover now