Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

"Cassandra!" Mother Gothel called out sternly to her daughter.

"Yes, mother?" Cassandra called back, trying to hide her annoyance.

"I need you to run out to the Corona Village and pick up a few things. I've written you a list", Gothel commanded her daughter as she handed her a grocery list.

"But mom..." Cassandra tried to protest.

"Quiet!" Gothel shrieked.

"Okay, I'm going," Cassandra reluctantly complied.

Rapunzel wanted to go with Cassandra to the Corona Village, as she had never been outside the walls of her castle.

"Mother Gothel, why can't I go to the Corona Village?"

"Because, Rapunzel, it's too dangerous. You must stay here, where you're safe", Mother Gothel lectured the kid princess.

"Then why do I have to go?" Cassandra whined.

"Because, Cassandra, it's your responsibility. Rapunzel doesn't have the protection of averageness like you do. Now go!"

Cassandra begrudgingly dragged her feet behind her and made her way to the Corona Village. Sure, it was nice to get away from her mother for a while, even if it was just a few short hours, but she hated the feeling of forced loneliness. Why couldn't Cassandra's mother ever come with her to get groceries? Why did the responsibility always fall on her? And maybe most importantly, why did she like being alone so much, but when it came to picking up groceries or running errands, spending time with herself felt like such a daunting chore?

It made no sense, even to nine-year-old Cassandra, but at the same time, seemed to fit her just right.

"Well, at least I don't have to worry about leading the group now," Cassandra said out loud while sharpening her sword. "They'll have to figure out how to get out of this forest themselves. And I'll have to figure out how to get out of this forest myself". Cassandra soon realized that she didn't like this alone time as much as she thought she would.

Cassandra sat with her thoughts for a while, looking very disoriented by any standards, but trying, and failing, to put a mask of confidence on. She kind of reminds me of me, but that's off topic. Max and Fidella both noticed Cassandra's less-than-confident presentation and looked at each other before Max nudged her in a questioning kind of way.

"There's nothing wrong, Max," Cassandra assured her horse, who hadn't even asked her what the matter was.

"What?" Cassandra voiced just a little too loudly as she began sharpening her sword. "Just because I'm insecure about my role as leader and try to hide it by being aggressive, and don't like being forced into isolation, doesn't mean there's anything wrong!" Cassandra finally snapped. Her sword had been hoisted into the ground and penetrated the dirt surrounding it, sending a little ripple of the soil outward. Cassandra soon realized what she had just said, but it was too late to take it back. "Did I say that out loud? Tell anyone and you'll regret it!" Cassandra quickly retrieved her sharpened sword and held it up to the two distressed horses.

"Okay, we need to figure out how to get out of this forest," Cassandra casually informed her royal horses as she made her way back into the caravan and tucked her sword into its scabbard. It was almost as if she hadn't just threatened to kill them! At least, that's what Cassandra was unsuccessfully trying to convey, but I digress. "I think the next clue is on the other side of the forest, so we should try and find another one of Adira's maps. I'll look in the caravan and see if she's left anything there". Max and Fidella waited patiently for Cassandra to finish her search by looking around at the stunning scenery of falling twigs dancing in the wind, surrounded by the weeping willows that encased the frightening forest.

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