Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Four-year-old Cassandra was happily playing with the music box her mother had gifted her, telling her that whenever she heard the music, "you'll remember your dear, sweet mother, and the love I have for you". Cassandra loved listening to the beautiful music, especially during the long hours of the day that her mother was away.

When the music stopped, Cassandra lifted the music box to her mother, wanting to hear it again.

"Wind, please," she politely asked.

"Not now, darling. Mommy's in a hurry," Gothel coldly told her daughter while brushing her away.

Cassandra pouted for a few seconds before coming up with another idea.

"Are you going to the castle? Can I come?" Cassandra asked her mother hopefully.

"Absolutely not, Cassandra!" Gothel snapped. "You know your place is here".

Cassandra was visibly disappointed, as she'd have to spend another day alone in her little cottage and would probably be put to the task of cleaning it up again. Gothel was not understanding of her daughter's desires, however. "Oh, stop with the pouting, it's very unbecoming!" Gothel rolled her eyes while putting on her cloak, getting ready to leave for the day.

Gothel then bent down to Cassandra's level, hoping to calm the young child. "Now mother needs to rush off for just a teensy tiny moment, but I won't be gone long, and this cottage isn't going to clean itself, you know!" Gothel laughed at her own joke, leaving Cassandra behind yet again. Before Gothel could make it out the door, Cassandra had one more request for her ailing mother.

"Mama?" Cassandra put on her sweet smile and lifted the music box up to her mother once again.

Gothel sighed at the request. "Must I do everything?" she complained while winding up the music box.

"Thank you, mama," Cassandra thanked her mother graciously.

"Yes, dear," Gothel replied sweetly while slamming the door.

Cassandra was alone again, as she usually was during the days her mother left, which were most days. She longingly listened to her music while beginning to sweep the floors.

"Okay, so what do we know about this first key?" Rapunzel asked Cassandra and Eugene.

"Not much, this clue isn't super specific". Cassandra remarked.

"Yeah, and it's exactly like an ancient, all-powerful being would've left keys scattered around the Seven Kingdoms just for some potential lowlife to find, right?" Eugene sarcastically said.

Cassandra just looked distraughtly down at her lap.

"Come on, Eugene, Cassandra's mom left this note for her on her deathbed," Rapunzel defended, trying to be sensitive to Cassandra's feelings. "Why would she make all this up?"

"Well, I don't know," Eugene started. "Maybe creepy old Mother Gothel left it behind to send us on a wild goose chase for her own entertainment?" The two princesses just glared at him angrily.

"Never mind," Eugene timidly agreed with them. "It was just a suggestion".

The three thought about how to go about next before Cassandra broke the silence.

"I think Eugene is right. I think mother sent us on a wild goose chase".

"Don't say that Cass!" Rapunzel protested while placing Cassandra's hands into hers.

Lousy Little Pest! | Sequel to Gothel's Greatest GiftWhere stories live. Discover now