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The morning of the wedding, Danera woke up alone. Although she'd begged Aegon to stay with her, he was adamant that they would obey tradition for once, and that he wanted to see her for the first time that day, walking down the isle towards him. She laid in bed for an hour or so, having woken up incredibly early due to excitement and nerves. It would be the first day, since she had escaped Dragonstone, that she would see her mother and father. Danera had refused to let Daemon walk her down the isle, saying it would not be fair to her late father Leanor, not admitting the truth of her parentage. As her grandfather, the king, was too sick to walk so far, Aemond offered himself. Although he was only a year older than her, he wanted to prove that he was trying, that despite his previous anger with his brother, that he wanted to be there for both of them, to support the marriage. Her own brothers would also be in attendance, Jace, Luke and Joffrey, who she hadn't seen in months. In one of her many letters, her mother had told Danera that she had fallen pregnant again with Daemons child, and that she were to have another brother. She knew this was a feeble attempt to win her favour back, her mother trying to act like she needed her back in the family, after all she'd done to help with Joffrey. This became another letter in the pile she had ignored, stuffed into the draws of her desk. To her surprise, Aegon had tried to get Danera to at least hear her mother out, but to no avail. Although Aegon knew the many reasons Danera did not get along with her mother, the idea of her suffering the family issues he had, hurt him. He wanted to help fix this in any way he could, even if he wasn't sure it was the right thing, he wanted Danera to be surrounded by people who loved her.

It wasn't long before Elena entered, with a stream of ladies maids behind her. If there was one thing she was excited for, it was her dress. Alicent had tried to impress that the dark shade of Hightower green would look wonderful on her, but no Danera insisted. A long gown that came up to her collar bones, with a low back. It was ivory, with sparkles of gold. "I believe this was left for you princess" Elena spoke, smiling. She held up an amethyst necklace that had been left in a box on her dressing table. Danera beamed, Aegon remembered. He must have come in whilst she was sleeping and put it there for her. "And a note" Elena continued, handing Danera a small piece of parchment folded in half. "I already know you look perfect, I hope you like your gift, see you later, wife" Aegon had written in high valerian. Daneras previous nerves slipped away, she knew she would be fine with Aegon by her side.

"Ready?" Aemond knocked before waking into Daneras rooms. Aemond smiled at her, she did, indeed, look beautiful. "As I'll ever be" Danera chuckled.

Danera walked down the steps, every single pair of eyes on her. Each lord, lady and child had come to see the kings firstborn son wed. Aegon looked up at his soon to be wife in awe, not believing that somehow, she was his, forever. For a moment, he forgot the people that surrounded them, it was just her, walking towards him, no spectators, expectations or duties. Part of him, which he would let her know about that night, couldn't wait to rip her exquisite dress off, leaving her only in the amethyst necklace. Arm in arm with Aemond, Danera glided down the isle towards her future husband, keeping here eyes glued to his so as not to fall.

At the end of the isle, Aemond let her go. She wanted to plead for him to stay, feeling safe, like she could only stand up with him holding her. Trying to stay focused, she looked ahead, remembering everything Alicent had been preparing her to say.

Luckily, the ceremony did not last long, and the festivities began. Aegon not being able to step away from his wife for more than a second, too excited for words. He kept dragging her away into the corridors to make out with her, too excited for the evening. Not that Danera minded of course, getting away from everyone for even a moment was wonderful. "Soon we shall have an heir I hope" the king smiled at his son and daughter in law. "Of course, your grace" Danera replied. She hasn't even thought about children, but knew it would be expected to happen soon. Aegon managed to pull her away again "do not worry about their expectations my love, I'm happy if it's just you and me for a while" he smiled and kissed her reassuringly. He knew how to calm her, he could read every emotion on her face. "Thank you" she said quietly and smiled back at him. The pair continued to dance, something she had learnt Aegon was awful at, but that only made their night even better.

One thing Danera did notice was how close Aemond and Helena were. Every time she glanced their direction, she saw them chatting and laughing. At one point they even joined Aegon and Danera for a dance, something which she always knew Aemond to loathe. With Helena however, he couldn't have looked happier.

After many dances, the four of them sat together at the nearest table, all out of breath and laughing together. "Brother, you are a truly awful dancer" Aemond laughed at Aegon. "My wife wanted to dance, and I couldn't say no" Aegon smiled. Danera looked towards Aemond, noticing he had taken Helenas hand in his. "Have you spoken to your mother yet Danera?" Helena asked, she had told Aemond and Helena the news, they had understood, and promised to help her avoid her family if needed on the wedding day. "No, but I should" Danera replied, looking down at her feet, feeling slightly guilty. "We will do it together" said Aegon, standing up and putting his hand out to her.

Danera took a large swig of wine from her goblet before taking Aegons hand and standing up. "Lets get this over with then" she said, sighing. The couple walked over to Rhaenyra and Daemon, who were stood talking to eachother. Danera was grateful that they weren't already in conversation with a lord that she would need to make small talk with. "Mother, thank you for coming" Danera smiled "it has been a happy day has it not?" she continued, doing her best to make conversation about a marriage she knew her mother did not approve of. "I am glad to see you happy Danera, even if you do not believe me, I am sorry for trying to push you into something you didn't want. I did not realise the connection between you and Aegon was so great" Rhaenyra replied, smiling back at her daughter. Danera did not expect such a genuinely kind reply from her mother. "Thank you, mother, we are truly happy" Danera replied, looking up at her husband. "I am sorry for how we left things, it wasn't how I wanted you to find out" Daemon spoke, still looking at the floor. "It's fine father, I know now, nothing can change that, but I appreciate the apology" she replied, he looked shocked that she was no longer angry at him. The four stood in silence for a moment, before Aegon spoke up "well, it may be time for my wife and I to retire." "Of course" Rhaenyra replied, pulling her daughter in for a hug. Danera felt awkward, but tried to appreciate it none the less, at least her mother was trying to show the affection she had deprived her daughter of for years.

"Come on" Aegon pulled her away whispering into Daneras ear "I want you out of that dress." Danera smirked as they slipped out of the hall, luckily everyone was so drunk by this point that they would not be missed.

A/N - Oooh things are hotting up between Aemond and Helena, I think they could be endgame as I don't know enough about Daeron. I was thinking of adding smut to the end of this chapter, but I'm a bit shit at writing it, so I'm not sure, lmk what you think

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