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Aemond and Helena's wedding day was upon them, Aegon with Aemond, Danera with Helena, both readying them for the day they had wished for. Aemond wore his traditional black leather tunic and trousers, with a small yellow flower tucked in with a pin that Helena had given him, he felt safe knowing a piece of her was with him whilst they got this torturous day over. Although it was something they both desired, all they wanted was to be married, they didn't care for fancy balls and impressing nobleman.

"God can this be over yet" Helena complained to her sister in law, smiling. "Soon, it goes quicker than you think" Danera replied, smiling back at her, fixing her dress to make sure she was perfect. "Ready?" Danera asked, looking at her best friend, she only wished she saw her own beauty like her and Aemond did. "For anything" Helena giggled. Since being betrothed to Aemond, Helena's strange predictions and riddles has reduced. She finally felt like herself again, now she had the safety of her soon to be husband.

Luckily, the ceremony was over quickly, the four of them sat in the carriage on their way back to the castle Aemond smiling at his new wife. "Guess we're stuck with them now brother" Aegon smirked as Danera punched him in the arm. "I think you'll find you both have the most beautiful ladies in the kingdom" replied Danera. "I do" Aegon replied, taking Daneras cheek in his hand and kissing her gently, smiling as he rested his forehead on hers. Suddenly, Danera started to feel warm and lightheaded, sickness entering her stomach. "Dany" Aegon looked at her concerned. "It's okay, I'm just a bit tired I think, too much excitement" she replied, trying to ignore the feeling and pretend she was okay. Aegon scanned her face, place and anxious, he knew she was lying. "I'll get you back to bed as soon as we are at the castle" He said, banging the top of the carriage to make the driver move faster. Helena looked at Danera knowing, raising one eyebrow, Danera shook her head once. She didn't want to freak Aegon out, it was too early, and she wasn't even sure if Aegon wanted a child.

They returned to the castle, Aegon holding onto his wife as the walked up the steps. "I'm so sorry, I'll be back down soon I promise" she looked at Aemond and Helena, almost tearful. "Don't worry about it, you know you won't be missing much" Helena smiled at her sister in law, patting her on the back comfortingly. "Come on my love" said Aegon, practically dragging Danera back to their rooms, acting as if she were a china doll about to break. "I'm fine Aegon, really, you need to go back to the party, I will be okay on my own for an hour or so" she said, trying to push him off weakly. "No, I will stay with you until you are okay, I'm not sure you need to party tonight" he said sternly, kicking their bedroom door open gently and guiding his wife in. He took her towards the bed, turning her around to unlace her dress, careful not to upset her stomach further, he was as gentle as possible. He walked over to their wardrobe, picking out her most comfortable night gown, helping her dress. Suddenly, she ran away from him towards the bathroom. He ran after her, kneeling down and holding her hair back as she threw up into the toilet. "My darling whatever is the matter" he asked, stroking her back, totally oblivious to the signs of pregnancy. "I must have eaten something bad last night, I just need rest, don't worry" she said, trying to brush it off. Danera stood up and walked to the sink to try and get the awful taste out of her mouth. Aegon walked back into their room to undress himself, leaving him in his trousers and undershirt. She walked back into the room, glancing at her husbands muscles through his shirt. "Like what you see" he smirked at her. "Always my darling" she replied, getting into bed next to him, resting her head on his stomach. "Sleep now, I'll be here when you wake up" he spoke softly, stroking her slightly sweaty hair. He was trying not to express how worried he was, people got sick, yes, but it always terrified him. He'd watched his fathers illness grow all his life, he knew this was different, but any form of illness had always given him anxiety.

An hour or so later, he realised he had nodded off, waking up to hear the door gently open, his sister Helena walking in. "How is she?" She whispered, walking to sit on the bed next to Danera. "She's okay, sleeping it off" he replied, reassuring himself more than Helena. "Sister" he spoke cautiously, "will she be okay?" His voice wobbled as he spoke. He had never been close with Helena before, but since he'd had Danera, she had become one of his closest ally's along with Aemond. "I promise you, she will be fine" Helena looked at him knowingly, smiling as she put a hand on top of her brothers. Aegon smiled weakly back, feeling Danera shuffle on top of him, mumbling in her sleep. "Shhhh" he whispered, continuing to stroke her hair. "Mother asked after you both, I explained Danera was unwell" Helena said, standing up to go back to the party. "Thank you" Aegon replied sincerely.

Another hour passed before Danera awoke, groggy and confused. "Hello, my love, how are you feeling" asked Aegon, looking down at her, putting down the book he had in his right hand. "Mmm" she replied, not quite awake. The sick feeling had finally passed, she had felt much better for sleep. However being awake brought the anxiety back, although her and Aegon had been at it like rabbits, she never spent much time thinking about pregnancy, and they hadn't discussed it much. She had not long had her eighteenth name day, she felt too young to be a mother, but most people had two or three children at her age. "What is troubling you?" Aegon asked, seeing her furrowed brows. "Just trying to wake up" she replied, trying not to think about the real reason she felt sick. "Can we join the party?" She asked, although she didn't want to, she felt she owed it to Helena and Aemond. "For a little bit, but don't tire yourself out" Aegon replied, looking at her with a serious expression.

He helped her up, and picked out a dress for her to wear. Usually she had maids to do this sort of thing, but Aegon loved to take care of her, lacing up her dress and brushing out her long hair. He had even tried to learn to plait, but that had ended up in a large knot than had taken days for her lady Elena to remove, having to cut out a small chunk of her hair, which Aegon had continually apologised about for days after. Every time he touched her she just wanted to melt into him, to get into bed and ignore the rest of the world, but she knew she couldn't.

They reached the doors of the great hall, hand in hand they stepped into the room, trying to keep a low profile as Danera did not feel up to small talk with noblemen. She had almost forgotten her mother and father would be in attendance, glancing over to the other side of the room to see them talking to the Stark King in the North. "Here" Aegon said, pulling Danera out of her thoughts. He had pulled out a chair for her on a table at the back of the room. "Aegon I'm okay, I don't need to be babysat, have some fun" she insisted. "I don't need to, I need you to be okay" he replied. The anxiety hadn't left him, he felt like she would collapse if he didn't constantly have his eyes locked onto her, or his hand touching her in some way. He sat down, putting his hand on her thigh, squeezing affectionately.

Alicent noticed her son and daughter in law, walking over to them immediately. "My dears, Helena told me you were unwell" she said motherly. In the past months of her marriage to Aegon, Alicent had made more of an effort with the both of them. Seeing how Aegon had changed for Danera, and how Danera had helped him control himself. She could not have been more grateful to her daughter in law, and had become motherly to her. "I'm feeling much better, thank you my queen" Danera replied, forcing a smile. "Helena said you had an upset stomach, will we be graced with a babe before your next name day?" The queen asked, a bright smile on her face. Danera went bright red, Aegon looked shocked, he hadn't put two and two together. Danera looked up at her husband, who had taken his hand off her leg, frozen. He stood up, running out of the room. Daneras eyes welled up, putting her head into her hands. Alicent sat there, shocked, not knowing what to do. "I did not realise you had not told him" the queen spoke, guilt laid in her voice. "It has only been some weeks" Danera replied, her voice cracking "he isn't ready." Alicent looked at the child, seeing herself reflected back at her. She was only young when she herself had Aegon, remembering the dread and anxiety she had felt. "All will be okay my dear" Alicent said comfortingly. "Will it?" Danera replied, her face covered in tears, looking into her mother in laws eyes.

A/N ~ oop it's time for a baby. Thank you sm for 20k reads, I hope you're all loving it.

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