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Dragonstone, a few days earlier

Elena had somehow found her way into the servant halls of Dragonstone. She hadn't slept for days, her whole body ached from the journey, all she could imagine was sleep, but she had a job to do. The castle was silent, the sun only just peaking above the clouds. Elena made her way up through the castles halls, she had only been here once previously, barely remembering her way around. She tried to imagine the castle like a map, pleading, hoping that Rhaenyra's rooms hs not changed. She tiptoed to the top of rooms of the castle, breathing heavily with fear. As she reached the great wooden doors, knocking as gently as she could. No one replied, but Elena could hear movement in the room. With no choice but to deliver the message she promised, she walked in.

The door was large and heavy to push, trying to remain as quiet as possible. "Princess Rhaenyra" Elena whispered, but before she could even finish, she found a knife to her neck and Prince Daemon towering in front of her. Breathing heavily, she tried to form a sentence. "Please, my prince, I have brought a letter" she choked out, the pressure of the knife leaving a small mark on her neck. "It is from the princess Danera, your daughter" she continued, looking into Daemons eyes, hoping he would understand. Danera had told Elena to say this, to show she knew the secret and to gain their trust. Daemon pulled back slightly.

Rhaenyra sat up in bed, looking confused and weary. "Why would my daughter need to send a secret letter, is she not well?" Rhaenyra asked. "You do not know?" Elena looked at the princess confused, surely they had been told. Elena gulped, she had to be the one to break the news, and with Daemons temper, he might take her life. "My princess, your father has passed" she spoke, barley louder than a whisper, but snot for the pair to hear. Rhaenyra and Daemon stared at her in shock, they did not speak for several moments. "Your daughter sent me, please, read her letter, it explains everything" Elena begged, tears forming in her eyes. She held out the parchment to Rhaenyra, containing her daughters seal of the Targaryen crest.

Rhaenyra stood up slowly, walking forward and taking the letter gently from Elena, who was still being held by Daemon. "I do not think she needs a knife held to her neck, my love" Rhaenyra said, looking at her husband who begrudgingly moved his hand, letting Elena go. Her hands running straight to her neck. Daemon walked over to his wife, placing one hand on her shoulder, "how can you trust her" he asked. "She knows you are Daneras father" Rhaenyra replied, looking at Elena who nodded. "Danera told me to say it, to prove it is truly her that has sent me" Elena explained. "I believe Aegon also sent a messenger, but either I have got here first, or he will not ever make it."

Rhaenyra looked down at the letter before opening its seal, her daughters messy writing over the page. Clearly she had written the letter quickly, providing as much information as possible before she sent the servant girl to deliver the message. Rhaenyra and Daemon read each line, taking in everything that had been happening without their knowledge. Daemon, clearly angry turned around, grabbing a vase and throwing it to the wall, it smashed loudly. Elena jumped out of her skin, shivering where she stood. Rhaenyra took no notice of this, used to her husbands behaviour. Elena could see tears threatening the princesses eyes as she read on.

"Your own daughter is taking the crown from you" Daemon shouted, pacing across the room. "It was their only option" Rhaenyra spoke, not looking up from the letter. "We both know neither of them want this" she continued. "They just want to keep their child safe" Elena interrupted, looking at Rhaenyra and then back at her feet. "I understand" Rhaenyra replied, smiling at Elena to comfort her.

Rhaenyra continued reading the letter over and over for a few moments, before gathering herself. "It is still early, you must be exhausted" Rhaenyra spoke, as Elena nodded. "I will ask a maid to make a bed up for you, you must stay here for now, it will not be safe to go back just yet." Elena smiled at the princesses kindness, and replied "thank you, your grace, however I believe your daughter wanted me to return with a reply." "You will, we will not attack them, but for now, you need rest" Rhaenyra replied, her tone kind, and calm. She lead Elena out into the hall, finding a maid to assist her.

After setting Elena up in a room of her own, Rhaenyra returned to her rooms with Daemon. "I don't know if we can trust them, this is your birthright" stated Daemon, still pacing back and forth. "She's our daughter Daemon, she would not have wanted this willingly, and tell me you would not have done the same in their position" Rhaenyra replied, placing a hand on her husbands shoulder to stop him pacing. He looked up at her, conflicted. He did not trust the greens, knowing Ottos scheming ways, but he did trust his daughter, and had began to trust Aegon. He knew they did not want the crown, they had talked about it many times. As much as he believed their plan to be true, a part of both Rhaenyra and Daemon did not trust the situation, knowing the lengths the greens would go to, to keep Aegon on the throne.

Back at Kings Landing, several days later

Aegon and Danera were filled with exhaustion, becoming king and queen was even more tiresome than they had anticipated. They had met lord after lord, watching as Otto had forced each one to bend the knee. Danera felt sick every time they watched this, hoping that they would revert to her mothers side as soon as her and Aegon could escape.

Although Danera was queen, Otto kept her out of many council matters, forcing Aegon to be apart from his wife. Aegon hated this, each time refusing to meet with the small council unless his wife was present, and each time, she would convince him to go without her, knowing that they had to conform if their plan were to work properly. One foot out of line and anything could happen to them. She knew how easily Otto and Alicent could rule through them, and she did not dare let that happen.

Since the coronation, Alicent had been distant from Danera, only seeing her occasionally at mealtimes. Danera did not mind this of course, but she could not help feeling uneasy, she saw plots against her around every corner, her pregnancy only making her more paranoid. It wasn't just her and Aegon she had to look after now.

Aegon and Danera laid in bed together, enjoying the few and far between moments they got to spend alone. "It seems to be working" Aegon whispered, looking at the ceiling with an arm stretched over his wife's shoulder. "Here, yes, but we still haven't heard from my mother, it's been days" replied Danera. Aegon turned to her, placing a kiss on her forehead. "I know, but it can't be easy to get a message back to us, I'm just hoping no news is good news for now" Aegon replied, convincing himself just as much as his wife. "I know, I hope Elena is okay" she sighed, worrying wasn't helping the situation. She snuggled into her husbands side, which she had been making the most of before her belly grew too large and uncomfortable. "Goodnight, my king" she giggled, she knew he hated it. Aegon rolled his eyes, "goodnight, my queen." They both laughed quietly and fell to sleep.

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