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Danera spent the morning with the maesters and Alicent, trying to figure out how far long she was. They had explained that she was likely two moons gone, and would begin showing in one or two moons. Being small, she worried about how large the baby would grow, dreading the back pain her mother had told her about. She lost her breath suddenly, she would have to tell her mother and father. Of course they knew this would happen at some point, but it was another thing that could come between them, Danera had given Aegon an heir, and if it turned out to be a boy, that would only reinforce the realms desire to have Aegon on the throne. Danera sat down, feeling light headed and sick. Alicent ran over to her daughter in law, her face filled with worry. "My darling are you alright?" She knelt next to Danera taking her pale hands in her own. "Yes, my apologies, just tired out from this morning" Danera partially lied. All she wanted was to be back in her bed with Aegon. "I think I might go back to my chambers and rest" Danera spoke quietly, avoiding the queens gaze. "Yes, you must, we must keep the babe healthy" Alicent replied, helping Danera up and leading her back to her chambers.

After settling her back down into bed, Aegon walked into their shared chambers. "How are you feeling my dear wife" he asked, walking immediately to her bedside, stroking her forehead. "Tired" Danera sighed, closing her eyes gently as her husband caressed her hair. "I shall leave you, I hope you feel better Danera" Alicent spoke, looking slightly awkward before leaving the room. "Was my mother alright?" Aegon asked "I know how she can be." Danera shuffled over to let her husband sit down next to her. "She was actually very kind to me, it was a little unnerving" Danera explained making them both giggle. Aegon looked at his wife, taking in her beauty. She had been glowing ever since she'd fallen pregnant, and Aegon had wanted her in bed every moment, but he didn't want to force her into anything when he knew she had been so tired. He finally began to felt some excitement about their baby, picturing Danera walking around, showing them the gardens, taking them on his dragon, he smiled just thinking about it. "What's made you smile?" Danera asked, only causing his grin to grow. "Just thinking of the baby, and how perfect you will be as a mother" Aegon leant in to kiss her. "I'm not sure I had the best role model" Danera replied, she smiled back at her husband, but he could see the worry in her eyes. He respected his sister, and Daemon, but he couldn't help feel some hatred for the way they had treated Danera. All those years of lies and abandonment, always favouring her brothers over her. "You will be wonderful" Aegon reassured her, he would never get over how he landed Danera as his wife.

The pair ended up falling asleep for a while, snuggled up together with Aegons hand on his wife's stomach. They woke up to Aegon and Helena knocking at their door. "Mmmh" Aegon replied, confused and still half asleep. Aemond pushed the door open smiling at the sleepy pair in front of him. "Heavens all you two do is sleep!" Aemond exclaimed over dramatically, as he sat down on the nearest chair. Helena sat at the end of the bed stroking Danera to wake her. "How is she?" Aemond whispered to his brother before Danera awoke. "Tired, but well, I think she is very nervous about it all" Aegon replied, looking at the sleeping woman next to him. Danera let out a little groan before she woke up, causing everyone to giggle. "Wake up sleepyhead, you haven't seen us in days!" Helena spoke, gently shaking Danera. "I know, I'm sorry" Danera replied looking guilty "I've been a bit busy growing your niece or nephew." Helena looked at Danera stomach, "how many moons did they say?" "Two, we think" Danera replied, looking down at her still flat belly. "So, fill me in, how has it been being husband and wife?" Danera asked, sitting up gently with Aegons shoving pillows behind her back for comfort. "Not overly eventful, I have been training, Helena has been sketching in the gardens, it's been very quiet around the castle, I fear it's all regarding father" Aemond replied trailing off at the end of his sentence. He didn't want to worry Danera, but he could sense a plot going on. Otto had been having meetings with nobles whilst the queen tended to their sickly father. Aemond knew Aegon didn't want the throne, he was glad of it. Aegon wasn't suited to rule, he only cared for Danera and his life with her, never wanting the pressures that came with being royalty. Aemond, however, had always secretly desired the throne, not caring much for his sister Rhaenyra, thinking she had abandoned her duties for too long to deserve such an honour. He had been the one to study history and philosophy, he had trained day after day with the sword. He knew Helena didn't care for the crown, but it would secure their future, he could protect both his love and his family, with Aegon as hand, they would rule together. Although Aemond had thought about it long and hard, he had never discussed his thoughts with anyone, not even his wife. He was the second born son, forgotten and ignored, he had no chance of being king.

That evening, Alicent had announced Danera and Aegons news at dinner. Of course, everyone was overjoyed, smiles and congratulations filled the room. "An heir for you my boy" said Otto patting his grandson on the back, Aegon looked away awkwardly. He did not want to see his child as an heir, he would never put the pressure on his child that his family had on him. "Thank you, grandfather" Aegon replied out of politeness. "I'm sure he will be beautiful" Alicent spoke, joining into the conversation. "Or she" Danera replied, stubbornly. She did not care for the gender of the child and neither did her husband. Aegon grabbed her hand under the table, feeling the anger radiating off his wife. Alicent coughed awkwardly, "yes, of course" she forced a smile. Both Danera and Aegon knew Otto and Alicent wanted a boy to secure Aegons place, making him the favoured heir over Rhaenyra. Sensing how uncomfortable the dinner had become, Aegon excused the couple from dinner, thanking his family and taking his wife back to their rooms.

"They want you on the throne don't they" Danera whispered, upset. Aegon didn't reply, not wanting to agree with what he knew was true. He sat down on the bed, watching his wife get undressed. "Maybe we should just get away from here, just go" he said, thinking out loud. Danera turned round, smiling, "my dear, as much as I'd love that, I don't even know where we would go, our white hair and purple eyes are a bit of a giveaway." Aegon sighed, "I know."

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