Sex Education

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Dan hated school. He hated everything about it. Everything except Mr. Lester. How can you not fall in love with him? He has these eyes that you could go swimming in. He has beautiful black hair. He is very tall but Dan is a bit shorter. He's 20 years old though. Mr. Lester is that one teacher that everyone has a crush on. But Dan is pretty sure he's the only guy that likes him. He walked into English class, his favourite class. You know why.

"Mr. Lester, I think I dropped my pencil. Let me pick it up" a girl said bending over. Mr. Lester wasn't looking.

"Hmm? What?" He said looking up from his computer. The girl sighed in frustration. Dan giggled from across the classroom.

"Shut up faggot" she said to him. His smile quickly dropped and He sat down.

"But sir-" the girl said. Dan looked up and saw Mr. Lester and Stacey, the girl, arguing. Stacey yelled in frustration and sat down angrily.

Mr. Lester was coming over to his desk.

"Hey Dan, sorry about her." He said.

"It's fine. Really. I don't even realize it when people call me a fag when I walk down the halls anymore" Dan mumbled the last part.

"Look, I know what you're going through-" The older man said.

"No you don't. You're straight. People don-" Dan said before being cut off my him.

"You can't assume people's sexualities you know?" He said going back to his desk. 'He can't be gay..' Dan thought. The bell rang and everyone sat down and the lesson began.

"So today we are learning about poems" Mr. Lester said. The class groaned.

"C'mon guys! It'll be fun!" Mr. Lester tried to lighten us up. The class groaned again.

"Whatever, I want you guys to write a poem about whatever you want. Make it good ok? I want 5 phrases. Start right meow" He said. The whole class took out lined paper and started. 20 minutes passed and Dan had written more than 5 phrases. Maybe like 6... Or 7.... Or 30...

"Ok who wants to go first? Dawson?" Mr Lester asked. Dawson got up.

"Aight! Y'all better get some knee pads cause it's about to get holy!

Oh, how class is boring
How the clock tics so slow
Oh, how class is boring-" he got cut off my someone.

"Maybe someday you'll get a blow" George said. Everyone laughed, even mr Lester.

"Anyways... Dan, do you wanna go?" Mr Lester asked.

"No thank you!" Dan said quickly.

"Aw come on fag! Read it! Read it!" Ray chanted. George got up and took the paper.

"I love the feel-" he read out loud before Dan took it out of his hands. Everyone was laughing. Tears were forming in his eyes and he ran out the classroom. Dan went to the bathroom and stayed there for the rest of school. Nobody knew he was there. Nobody cared. Dan heard the door open but he ignored it. He heard whistling. It was a familiar song. It was thnks fr th mmrs by fall out boy. The whistling stopped.

"Dan?" The person said. It was Mr. Lester. Dan thought this was really embarrassing.

"Yeah?" Dan said slowly looking up.

"Are you ok?" He asked getting closer. Dan nodded.

"Come to my classroom and let's talk about it." Mr Lester said patting his shoulder. He lead Dan into his classroom.

"Dan, what's going on?" Mr Lester said.

"Mr. Lester... It's nothing.... Really! It's just a joke me and the class have!" Dan lied.

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