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I'm so funny

I'm acting like ninja sex party


Summary: Dan and Phil get a detention and when the teacher leaves Dan and Phil have the good sex with the good hand

Warnings: this will be bad since I haven't written in like 100 years so I'll start it off slowly with a handjob. Just like every Saturday night

I'm kidding I'm single rip

"You heard the new Panic! Song? Yeah I love Emperors New Clothes from Death Of A Bachelor" Dan whispered to Phil.

"Why do I hear talking about some wonderful music that people should definitely buy or rip it off from YouTube?" (Ok I'm sorry I'm done) the teacher asked.

"Because you have ears" Dan said.

".... Dan can I see you after class please" the teacher said. Phil was giggling until the teacher spoke up again.

"And you, Mr Lester. After class."

"Oh fuck. I can't believe you've done this" Dan said.

"You're the one that was talking" Phil said.

"You were both talking. You know what? Dan go sit beside Jack. Mark come sit beside Phil" the teacher said.

"If you make Jack sit with someone else Mark will get jealous so I recommend you make him sit next to someone else" Felix said.

"Hey, I do not!" Mark defended himself.

"You kinda do" Jack said.

"I resent that"

"Alright, Dan sit next to Shane" the teacher directed. Dan got his things from his desk and moved to beside the empty seat beside Shane.

The teacher started talking again until the bell rang.

-wake me up-

Dan and Phil got their things and waited until everyone left.

"Alright, boys. You two talk in my class everyday. I have no choice but to put you both in detention." She said.

"Right now?" Dan asked.


"But- but I have a piano practice!" Dan said.

"Well cancel it. Because you're staying here for 2 hours" the teacher said.

Dan and Phil sat down next to each other but the teacher hissed and Dan went to sit at his new spot.

"I have to go do some work. I'll be back when you guys are done. Absolutely no talking!" She said and slammed the door as she walked out.

Dan and Phil waited a while to talk.

"This is your fault" Phil said.

"What the hell are you talking about? You're the one that laughed when I got in trouble" Dan said.

"I wouldn't of laughed if you didn't make that joke" Phil hissed.

Phan Smut oneshotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora