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Summary: after Phil and Dean held hands, Dan got jealous and way too over protective. This was the day of the filming btw ok enjoy the smut u dirty ppl. P.s just a blowjob cuz I'm a lazy ass

"Where are Dean and Phil?" Dan asked. A clip rolled and then Dean and Phil walked in.

"We just had the best time!" Phil exclaimed. Dan looked at Phil with a look that said 'did you cheat on me?'. Phil explained what they did and Dan got up and left. Phil and Dean cuddled and introduced 5sos

<after the show>

"That was an awesome show, don't you think?" Phil asked as they walked to the taxi.

"Yeah... Especially when... You and Dean... Were holding hands" Dan said swallowing hard (( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)).

"Is someone jealous?" Phil teased.

"What do you think? You're my boyfriend. Mine." Dan pouted.

"I know. We were just joking! We are-" Phil was cut off by Dan snaking his hand around Phil's torso.

"Mine" Dan whispered into Phil's ear making him shudder. Phil swallowed hard (( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)). Dan took his hands and pulled him to a taxi.

"Where to, boys?" The taxi man asked.

"Home" Dan said.

"K where the hell is that?" The taxi man said. Dan told him where to go and they arrived after about 20 minutes.

They got into the flat and Dan pushed Phil against a wall.

"You've been bad, Phil." Dan whispered into his ear.

"I-it wasn't my idea... It was BBC's" Phil stuttered.

"Does it make a difference?" Dan asked before roughly kissing Phil's lips. Dan slithered his hand down Phil's body slowly until it reached his jeans. Dan stuck a finger into his pants and lightly stroked Phil's half hard member. Phil let out a quiet moan as Dan pulled down his jeans, dropping them to his ankles.

Dan stroked Phil's bulge until it was fully hard. He slowly pulled down Phil's boxers until they dropped too. Dan looked up at Phil who was biting his lip.

"No coming until I say so" Dan says as he flicks the tip with his tongue.

Phil let out an unexpected moan as Dan licked down his shaft, swirling his tongue around it making him gag. He laughed a little when he saw Phil struggling and how cute he was sending vibrations through him making it more pleasurable.

"D-Dan... Please" Phil begged. Dan shook his head.

"Not yet" Dan said as he continued to deep throat his boyfriend. Dan started bobbing his head faster and started moving his tongue around more.

"Dan... I can't hold it anymore... Please..." Phil begged. Dan had up a hand that wasn't occupied and held up 5 fingers. 4, 3, 2 ,1. Phil released into Dan's mouth and Dan swallowed him. He went back up and kissed Phil so he could get the remains.

"Never hold hands with someone else but me" Dan said before leading him into bed to sleep.

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