I have no title for this rip

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(Requested kinda they just told me to do another teacher one and I was like hell yEAH IM ALWAYS A SLUT FOR TEACHERXSTUDENT PHAN)
Summary: Mr. Lester, the substitute for drama, kept getting Daniel Howell, the most popular guy in school, in trouble for talking. What will happen when Mr. Lester keeps Dan after class?

Spoilers: sex

Wow weird that Dan did a spoilers video when I was writing this. spooky.


At the end you will be handed bibles and holy water. Enjoy.

-ring ring motha fuka-

The students rushed to their classes except Dan and Chris. They just walked. They didn't care if they were late. Besides, they heard it was a substitute. They're always so lazy and let everyone do whatever.

They arrived at their class and opened the door to hear the class laughing.

"Oh, hello. Why are you late?" Someone asked. Dan and Chris looked to the front to see some random guy. Probably the substitute.

"Because we didn't give a shit" Dan said simply.

"Do you think that's the kind of tone you want to give me?" The teacher asked.

"It's not like you're staying here forever" Dan sassed.

"Mhm don't get your hopes up. You do know that your teacher got into a car accident, right? He's like, almost dead" He said.

"Well that's better than being here" Dan said and walked to a table with Chris and the rest of his friends.

The teacher rolled his eyes.

"Well, I'm Mr. Lester. You must be Daniel." Mr. Lester said. Dan cringed at the name.

"Don't call me that" Dan said harshly.

"I'll call you whatever I want. Now anyways. Let's get on with the class, class" Mr. Lester said.

"Wow. You've never been this sassy to a substitute before" Chris laughed.

"I guess I really hate this guy" Dan laughed. That was a load of bull shit. He had this habit. A weird one. He would always go into panic mode when he saw someone cute and he would just be the sassiest guy on earth.

"Hey, watch this." Jack (yes jacksepticeye) said.

"AAAAHHHHHH" he yelled, making everyone jump and turn around. Dan's table giggled and Mr. Lester gave them a death stare.

"Jeez, is his name Glare? Is that a name? I'm naming my kid that" Evan said.

"I heard his name is Phil, actually" Emma stated.

Dan thought the name suited him. Although it means lover of horses but still. Phil turned around to the sound of his name.

--after class--

"Goodbye students, have a good lunch." Phil said after the bell rang.

"Finally, this teacher sucks!" Chris yelled.

"Dick" Phil mumbled under his breath, so no one could hear him. But when he heard Dan giggle and he saw him staring at him, he knew he heard him. They left the class and Phil continued working on his laptop until he heard a ruckus from outside. He stood up and walked to the door. He opened it and saw a bullying scene.

"HA! You have so many spots on your face, loser!" The bully says pushing a boy against a locker. Phil knew that voice.

"Dan Howell!" Phil called. He turned around and his smile dropped.

Phan Smut oneshotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora