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Two weeks later...(Scarlett's POV)

Cosmo: "So when can you come home?"
Me: "I don't know, sweetie. Something came up, so I have to stay here for a while. Is that okay?"
Cosmo: "Rose and Jess keep bullying me, so you need to come home soon."
Me: "Just tell her I said no soccer if she keeps going. I'll see you soon okay?"
Cosmo: "Bye Mom."
Me: "See you soon, honey."

I put the phone down as Ollie finishes making his calls too.

Me: Any new revelations you want to share today? Or is the fact that my wife is actually alive the biggest one you have?
Ollie: Are you ever going to cut me some slack for that? Or am I just accepting that this is our relationship now?
Me: I don't know the answer to that yet. So how, if she is alive, did we split her estate?
Ollie: Oh, that was all government money, Y/N's assets are still hers. She'll be pleased to know you didn't ever touch the Mustang though.
Me: So when do I find out if you're telling the truth?
Ollie: If we can eliminate the threat, then she can come home. Until then, it's best that she remains unseen, for her safety and for yours.
Me: She's my wife, Ollie. You've known her longer than me, I know that, but she's my wife. If, and I mean really if, she is still alive, I need to see for myself.
Ollie: Fine. I'll see what I can do.
Me: Thank you. Where is she anyway? Do you know now?
Ollie: She's safe.
Me: That's not what I asked.
Ollie: You know I can't tell you that.
Me: Please.
Ollie: Safe house, in the Lake District.
Me: You've got to be kidding me? So I'm here this whole time and she's basically around the corner?!
Ollie: Scarlett, while I appreciate this must be incredibly difficult for you, you have to understand that I've already told you enough to lose my job. So it's best you don't ask questions.
Me: Right, because this is all super easy for you and your fancy team.

Ollie's phone rings again, for the 5000th time today. He hands it over.

Ollie: It's for you. I'm gonna go and work upstairs, just pass the phone back when you're done.

He wanders up the stairs as I stare at the vibrating phone in my hand. Unknown number. I swipe across and hold the phone up to my ear, but say nothing.

???: "I know you're there. I can hear your stressy breathing down the phone. You know that almost breathing, almost holding your breath kinda breathing? Yeah, that."

Y/N, she really is alive. Be it all she sounds completely different.

Me: "I don't know whether to hear you out or send divorce papers. Except I wouldn't know where to send them considering I'm supposed to be a widow."
Y/N: "I know this has all come as a shock, but I can explain if you'll let me."
Me: "There are 3 kids sitting at home right now losing their mind because they think you're dead. Why should I listen to a word you say? You know, you've done some pretty spectacular things in your life, but I didn't think you were an illusionist too. So what? You just call and expect everything to be okay?"
Y/N: "Scarlett please, I really don't have enough time to be sat listening to you shout at me right now."
Me: "You don't have enough time for anything from where I'm standing. 6 months...6 months I've sat crying into my pillow hoping that this was all some kind of sick joke, and all the while you're sat sunning it up in the beautiful scenery without even thinking to explain. I guess it was a sick joke."
Y/N: "I didn't want it to be like this. It was too unsafe to bring you with me. As soon as I found out what was going on I had to leave, I didn't have a choice. The only way was to make the world believe I was dead. Including you and the kids. How are they?"
Me: "Rose shut everyone out as you thought she would, Jess is fine, still with Emily. And Cosmo has taken your role, the supportive family member who does everything with a smile on his face despite losing the only person he ever allowed himself to trust. So what's your excuse this time?"
Y/N: "Rose will come around. I want to come back. Basically everyone but the public know I'm alive. It's too dangerous to leave this place. This crime network, it's deep, it goes really high up in government ranks. You remember all the work I did that time when the election came around? Well, somebody didn't like it, and that's why my Mom is dead. It's why I'm in hiding. As far as people around here go, they think I'm called Becca."
Me: "Oh, new identity too. Brilliant. So you're saying somebody high up on the US government roster is pulling the strings?"
Y/N: "I'm still Y/N, legally anyway. But yeah, that's what I'm saying. The NSA just don't know who yet, and every time someone gets close, they don't come back in one piece. I know it sounds crazy Scarl, like some real life Marvel shit, and trust me I wouldn't believe me either, but I need you to trust that I'm still trying to keep you and the kids safe."
Me: "Yeah, well you're not my Y/N. My Y/N wouldn't have done this to her family. Fuck you."

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