Burning Marriage At Burning Man

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Scarlett's POV...

Me: Call me if you need anything, Ollie's just down the hall.
Y/N: Why are you treating me like I'm on house arrest? I'm fine.
Me: I know, but if you fall and you don't have your phone then you'll be there until someone finds you.
Y/N: I'll be alright. Get your fine ass outta here.

Y/N slaps my ass cheek slightly as I grab my sunglasses and head into the car, arriving at the Burning Man set soon after. Marcel, my publicist and assistant, opens the door to let me out.

Marcel: Hey, where's the wife?
Me: At the house. She's a little miserable.
Marcel: Because of her knee or because you're holding out on her?
Me: I am not holding out on her.

Marcel throws a knowing look my way.

Me: Fine, I'm holding out on her. But technically that's her knee's fault.
Marcel: Whatever you say. Okay, roll call is 4pm. And um, Blake's looking for you.
Me: Me? Why?
Marcel: Unsure. She just said she wanted to clear the air.
Me: And you said?
Marcel: Sure, it'll help on screen.
Me: You said yes? The woman literally tried to relapse my wife in a bathroom and you said yes?
Marcel: That was years ago. I thought you didn't hold onto any grudges.
Me: I'm selective.
Marcel: Just go see her, say your bit, finish the movie and go home.

Marcel nudges me towards the door as I take a tantrum on the way out, not realising Blake had been standing outside of the trailer the whole time. I walk past rolling my eyes.

Me: Blake.
Blake: Hi. Look, it's no hard feelings, between me and you.
Me: Isn't it?
Blake: I hope not. I'd like to think we've grown since then.
Me: Maybe I haven't.
Blake: What happened with your wife, I'm truly sorry.
Me: It's not what happened with Y/N that started the problem.
Blake: Right. Look, I didn't know you were with Ryan at the time.
Me: You didn't know? I find that hard to believe.
Blake: I didn't. He told me he was already divorced.
Me: That doesn't mean anything to me. I've been married twice since then and that's not the reason we don't get along. Not only did you fuck my husband at the time, but you then said some really fucked up shit about me, then tried to get my wife to get back onto coke.
Blake: I know.

I stop Blake in her tracks.

Me: Why are you really here, Blake? Why did you take the role?
Blake: They asked me, it sounded fun.
Me: But you knew before you signed on that I'd be on the ticket. You knew you were taking the job from Y/N. She worked really hard for this.
Blake: It's not my fault they cast me, Scarlett.
Me: You could've said no.
Blake: Yeah, and I didn't. So we need to just get on with this.
Me: As quickly as possible.

Y/N's POV...

Me: Ollie! I need my pain killers!
Ollie: On it.

Ollie jogs into the kitchen, grabbing my pain meds and handing them over, along with a bottle of water.

Me: Ta.
Ollie: That bad huh?

I down the meds.

Me: Nah, this is child's play. Remember, I got shot. Pretty gnarly duuuuuuude.
Ollie: You know it's unacceptable for anyone over the age of 30 to say duuuuuuuude.
Me: Well shit. Anyway, what's the plan today?
Ollie: You're staying right here, Marcel is bringing bask snacks when they come back from set, and I'm going for a swim.
Me: You mean to say that I'm confined to this wheelchair? For the rest of the day?
Ollie: Afraid so. Sorry, duuuuuuude.

(Book 3) Legacy - Scarlett Johansson x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now