Bored Of Babysitting Yet?

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Y/N's POV...

Kennedy: Got a hit!

I jump out of my light sleep on my desk chair as Kennedy comes piling into the office.

Me: Hm? What?
Kennedy: Wake up!

She shakes my shoulders as I bat her away.

Me: You're an asshole, get off. What?
Kennedy: Got a hit on your adoptive parents. So it turns out your mom adopted a girl before you, but it didn't work out. The report's been redacted for some reason, but the information we need is there.
Me: Wouldn't she have told me that? Or Perrie maybe?
Kennedy: They probably should've, yeah. Anyway, she sent the girl back to the foster home after an incident where the girl attacked Perrie. Looks like she was sent back to her parents after they managed to reconcile eventually.
Me: There a name for this girl?

Kennedy shakes her head.

Kennedy: Just initials. A.R?
Me: A.R? Don't think I know anyone with those initials.
Kennedy: What about people you knew? Not saying you'd know anything about this person.
Me: I had a friend, when I was a kid. Alissa Romero? But that wouldn't make any sense, she said she was from Fresno, as far as I know she never went to the UK. And Perrie should have recognised her when we were younger.

Kennedy's face drops at a realisation.

Me: What?
Kennedy: Wait.

She scans the files on the desk, grabbing one and scattering the papers to find what she's looking for.

Me: I hope you're cleaning that up.
Kennedy: I will. But look.

She hands me the paper, the victim report from the fire. Jane and Steven Romero.

Me: No way.
Kennedy: Maybe she took Scarlett because she thinks you took her parents from her?
Me: No, this can't be right. Alissa was always travelling when she was younger but she would've said something. She saw photos of my parents, I was on FaceTime sometimes when she was with me.
Kennedy: But what I'd this has been the plan all along? What if this has been years, I mean years, in the making?
Me: So what, she befriends me when we're teenagers with the intention of killing me?
Kennedy: Is there anything you remember her doing that screwed you over? I'm just thinking that maybe she's always been doing it.
Me: Um, yeah, plenty. She got me into coke and eventually molly, she took Hailee from me when I was like 18.
Kennedy: So it's been a constant pattern of stuff to try and screw you. I think we've got it.
Me: But even if we find her, she's still going to try and kill me, she might've even killed Scarlett by now. She has everyone in her pocket. We need to find out who really started that fire.
???: It was me.

Both Kennedy and I turn around to see who spoke from the doorway.

Scarlett's POV...

Me: Bored of babysitting yet?
Jack: No. I've been doing it with Y/N for long enough.
Me: Fair enough.

I twirl the pen in my hand through my fingers.

Me: Can I at least have breakfast?
Jack: No.
Me: Okay. Bottle of water?
Jack: No.
Me: Room service sucks in this place. What about a comfier pillow?
Jack: Look, I can't do anything Scarlett. I have to watch you.
Me: What about if I stab you in the eye and run away? You gonna watch me then?
Jack: Good luck with that.
Me: So what happens now? What's she waiting for?
Jack: She's waiting for Y/N to figure it out.
Me: They'll send the NSA in, not Y/N.
Jack: I wouldn't be so sure. There's no one stopping Y/N from getting to you. She's like a dog with a bone, you know that. So the sooner she finds you, the better it is for you.
Alissa: He's right.

(Book 3) Legacy - Scarlett Johansson x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now