A Shock Discovery

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Y/N's POV...

Me: You're hammered, Tay. We need to get you on the plane.
Taylor: I'm having fun with my friends.

Taylor ducks her head into me and props herself up on my arm.

Me: I need to call Ollie to get the car out here. Could you?
Selena: Sure.

Selena takes over holding Taylor up as I call Ollie.

Ollie: "Yellow."
Me: "Car out front please, one drunk passenger in need of assistance. One soberish one losing her mind trying to look after the drunk one."
Ollie: "Driving round now."

I hang up the phone and throw Taylor's arm around my shoulders as the car pulls up and Ollie helps me get her in, the paparazzi going crazy for a photo.

Ollie: How did she get this bad?
Me: Not sure. I wasn't with her for a lot of the night. Spent most of it talking to Kelsea and Chase.

We drive to the hangar and get on the plane eventually, putting Taylor into the bed in the back, and we take off. I sit opposite Ollie, snacking on dinner.

Ollie: How was it?
Me: Good, I'm only a little buzzed.
Ollie: I can tell, you have that glazed look in your eyes. She's smashed though.
Me: Mhm, Cari's doing probably. She's gonna feel it when she wakes up.
Ollie: Florence called, left the party in a huff. What's the deal with that?
Me: Oh, she tried to kiss me and when I rejected her she left. Apparently I was giving off vibes or something. It's all a bit strange to be honest.
Ollie: Taylor know?
Me: Mhm. Watched the whole thing from the doorway. This shit always happens to me I swear, and Flo will probably never speak to me again now.
Ollie: I wouldn't look too deeply into it, she was really drunk when we picked her up. She probably wasn't thinking straight.
Me: Seemed okay to me. Anyway, it's whatever. I'm sure she'll come around. How was your night?
Ollie: Oh mine? Mine was great. FaceTimed my husband in between picking up my clients from fancy parties that my sister couldn't even get me invited to.
Me: That good huh?
Ollie: It was shit, Y/N. My night was completely shit. Joni's in Bali on a film set so kept showing me the view, all while I was crammed into a car waiting for someone to call.
Me: Sorry, I did try to get you in. But what can I say? It was an exclusive party, your name isn't well enough known unfortunately.
Ollie: How?! I've been your manager since before you were even in double figures. I have...lemme check...

He pulls out his phone and opens Instagram.

Ollie: 4.2 million followers on Instagram, all from being your manager. How am I not invited?!
Me: Maybe you need 4.3?

He smacks my arm.

Ollie: You're a dick.
Me: Caught me. Will I be home to see the kids off to school or no?
Ollie: Should be yeah. Can we go back to Florence for a sec?

I nod, sipping my water.

Ollie: What I don't understand is why now? You've been friends for what, 20 years? Why would she wait 'til now so do anything about if she wanted to be more than mates?
Me: I really don't know Ol. It was literally the most random thing. I went for some air, she must've followed me out after bailing on me earlier. Then come to think of it she gave the excuse that she had to use the loo, but that was nearly two hours after we first spoke to her.
Ollie: Probably just forgot the time.
Me: I don't know whether it's just me being on high alert all the time now but something doesn't feel right about this. Florence wouldn't do that on her own accord. We've never liked each other like that.
Ollie: Now I think you are being paranoid. What would Flo stand to gain from trying to split you and Taylor up anyway?
Me: She wouldn't.
Ollie: It's just a mistake she made Y/N, no big deal.

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