We Met Before

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Y/N's POV...

I help Scarlett upturn her bed for the night, before sitting on the couch to let her settle on her own.

Me: I have something to tell you which you might find interesting.
Scarlett: Oh yeah? Go on, I'm listening.

She takes her T-shirt off and starts to strip to get into her pyjamas, out of respect I turn away briefly.

Me: I've had a lot of time to think back at old memories while I've been here. Did you know we met before we actually met?
Scarlett: We did?

She turns around after putting on her top and sits beside me.

Me: We did.
Scarlett: When?
Me: I was just thinking about the first time I came to LA, and I had to go into a store on Rodeo Drive to get a new outfit for taking this girl on a date, and I remember running into a ton of paps outside the store. When I got in there, you were blocking the rack I wanted to look at.
Scarlett: Wait, you're kidding. That was you?!
Me: That was me. I didn't really remember until I've had time to think about it, but yup. That was 15 year old me taking Hailee out on our first date. And come to think of it, that was the same store I had to duck into the first time I saw Hailee again before I met you at that cafeteria. Strange how things come full circle right?

She sits in shock for a minute, thinking back to that memory.

Scarlett: I remember saying when I got out of the store that I bet you become huge. I just had a feeling, you gave off a vibe. Never in a millions years did I think 5 years later I'd have met you again and we'd grow to know each other like we have.
Me: Does that not give you the creeps? Knowing I was 15 and you were nearly 27 when we first met? And now we're wives.
Scarlett: When you put it like that, but it was never like that anyway. We met officially when you were 20, I used to speak to so many people back then so to remember one face was hard for me.
Me: Should I be offended that you didn't really remember mine?
Scarlett: No, that's arrogant.
Me: I'm kidding, you know I am. But yeah, we met before 2016, how crazy?
Scarlett: Meant to be I guess. What would you say to that chaotic little 15 year old now if you could say anything?

I sit and think for a minute.

Me: Stop caring about things you can't control, and start caring about the things that matter before it's too late. What would you say to that 27 year old you?
Scarlett: Get rid of the tunnel vision and start appreciating the things around you, because one day, when you don't matter anymore, those awards and the fame will mean absolutely nothing to anyone, and only your legacy is there to keep your memory alive.
Me: I like that, seems sensible.
Scarlett: Look Y/N, I'm not saying I'm not still very confused and very angry about this whole thing. Maybe I always will be, but I know you're trying to fix this, so thank you for that. I know I haven't been the easiest to work with and I know I've given you a hard time when maybe this isn't completely your fault.
Me: It isn't at all my fault.
Scarlett: Don't push it.

She smirks and takes my hand in hers.

Me: I'm getting kinda tired, do you mind if I go?
Scarlett: Go where?
Me: My bed.
Scarlett: Oh, oh yeah! Yeah of course. No...that's fine. Totally fine.

I can tell she's a little disappointed by that, I'm guessing she thought I'd stay in here.

I take her chin in between my thumb and first finger and kiss her softly.

Me: I don't wanna mess this up, so I wanna go slow. Fresh start, no mistakes, no hiccups. You know what I mean?
Scarlett: I get what you mean, go on. But I expect breakfast in bed in the morning.
Me: Oh, no problem your highness. Do you require anything else?

(Book 3) Legacy - Scarlett Johansson x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now