Apples And Trees

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April 2030...

It had been a while since I'd spoken to Ollie, but that hadn't stopped him calling twice a day. The same with Kennedy, she wouldn't leave me alone either. Between the pair of them I think my phone pings 40 times a day with either missed calls or messages. As for Sean, after the first few weeks, he stopped trying. I assumed he'd gotten the picture that I needed time, but when the doorbell rang this afternoon, that changed.

I sat on the couch waiting for Sean to speak, but instead he played with his red wine, basking in the awkward silence he'd created. It was Cosmo who was first to speak.

Cosmo: Have you been working, Sean?
Sean: I have, very busy case actually.
Cosmo: What about?

Sean paused for a moment, looked at me, then continued to speak.

Sean: A woman was convicted of many different crimes recently, we helped put her away, but she appealed her sentence. It was denied, but when prisoner transport took her back to the prison, it was intercepted and the prisoner got away.

The colour drains from my face, I'm sure.

Cosmo: Can you find her?
Sean: We're trying everything we can.

He takes a sip of his wine and looks back to me.

Sean: You ignored my messages telling you I needed to see you. What else did you expect me to do?
Me: Not just show up out of nowhere.
Sean: Want me to send a letter by carrier pigeon next time?
Me: Of course not. I just...
Sean: Then answer your calls.

I look to Cosmo who takes that as his cue to leave, so he does, trudging back into the kitchen and closing the door into the living room behind him.

Sean: You are the daughter of two of the most powerful people in the world. One is standing in the light, the other hides in the shadows and causes mayhem. It might be a good idea to keep your phone off silent for a while.
Me: The fact that you both have power doesn't mean shit to me, I hope you realise that. I don't want anything to do with this. I only just got the TV outlets to stop calling me for an interview about what happened. I just want to do my job, come home to my kids, have dinner and relax. I'm not interested in power.

Sean begins to chuckle.

Me: How is any of this funny to you?
Sean: Oh come on Y/N. We don't get to live life like that. I thought you'd have worked that out by now.
Me: I don't want any part of your life, Sean. You may be my father, but I don't work for you. I'm not like Kennedy, or Ollie.
Sean: You aren't speaking to either of them. Why?
Me: You know why. They lied to me.
Sean: I lied to you, they only did their job. Whether you like it or not, they're your siblings. They would protect you with their lives, but you're pushing them away.
Me: They would protect me with their lives. What, like Alex did?
Sean: What happened to Alex was a tragedy. But it was...

Sean still sits, smug as tears begin to fall down my cheeks.

Me: Your brother...died protecting me. And you sit there as if it's just part of the job. It's more than just lying, Sean. Alex was my brother and I let him die for me, without even knowing. That's on you. That's on Kennedy. And it's on Ollie too. I've lived for over 30 years without a family to protect me. The one I've been given isn't much better than being on my own anyway.
Sean: The apple never falls far from the tree, Y/N.

The silence takes over again for a brief moment.

Sean: You're exactly like me. You keep secrets, but when someone else does it's the ultimate betrayal. You don't trust anyone, you can't trust anyone, not even her.

(Book 3) Legacy - Scarlett Johansson x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now