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January 2030...(Scarlett's POV)

This Christmas was tough, more for the kids than anyone. It was a constant reminder that Y/N has never been consistently present over the festive period, and now it's almost etched in them that she won't be there. Nonetheless, we had as much fun as we could have under the circumstances. The kids have started going back to school again, and Y/N kept true to what she said, and started writing the screenplay for a movie about what just happened, something she thought would make a good story. I'd taken a step back from The Outset to allow Kate and the team to carry on despite me still being the co-founder, but my family comes first. But Y/N still wasn't right in a way, the mask she'd worn so many times to cover up her real feelings was starting to wear thin.

Y/N: Earth to Scarlett.
Me: What? Sorry.
Y/N: You were in your own little bubble. You okay?
Me: Yeah, yeah. Just thinking.
Y/N: Anything you wanna share?
Me: Nothing huge. I was just thinking about what to keep myself busy with now.
Y/N: You still have the production company, maybe throw yourself back into that for a while.
Me: Yeah, maybe.

There's a slight pause.

Y/N: I mean, unless you don't want to, it's totally up to you. It's not like you need to work anymore either.
Me: No, I know, but I just want to keep myself busy while you're doing your thing.

She puts her pen down from writing her screenplay, and grabs my hand, pulling me to sit on her lap.

Y/N: Can I give you another option to think about?
Me: What?
Y/N: Feature on my new album with me.
Me: That's your thing.
Y/N: I know, but I've been thinking about it and we should do it together, if you want.
Me: Are you thinking song or?
Y/N: I was actually thinking the whole thing, have Cosmo involved too. Could be fun.
Me: I don't know, babe. I mean, it could be fun but making music is yours and Cosmo's thing, it's not mine anymore.
Y/N: One song, come hear one song and see what you think. If it doesn't change your mind, then fine, but I fancy my chances.

She throws me over her shoulder after standing up, me batting her to put me down as she chuckles away.

Me: Put me down! I'm no spring chicken anymore and you're still hurt!
Y/N: You're the hottest woman I've ever seen in her mid 40's, don't you worry about that.
Me: Y/N seriously, your knee.
Y/N: I'm fine.

She continues to hobble to the studio with me on her shoulder, then places me down on the sofa, kissing my cheek and walking over to the Mac on the mixing desk.

Y/N: Okay so, I have an idea. I've written 2 songs, but I want to put them on the same track. So it'd be called July/Blame's on Me. July is from your point of view, Blame's on Me is from mine.
Me: What point of view?
Y/N: I wrote them both when I first got to the safe house in Cumbria if that helps.
Me: Oh, so July is about what you think I would say to you if I knew you were still alive? And the other one is what you'd say?
Y/N: Yeah.
Me: How does it go?

She starts playing the track without the words, and when July ends, the song totally changes so it's easy to tell the difference, both sounding amazing in their own right.

Y/N: Sooooo...thoughts?
Me: I'd need to hear the words.
Y/N: Say less mi amor, say less.

She smirks then plays the track again, with a demo singer singing the words. The words bring out an emotion I'd been subsiding for months.

Y/N: How about now?
Me: It's beautiful. How do you know how to put what I'm thinking into a song even though I've never told you?
Y/N: Well, it'd be easier if you just told me. But I guess I just always know what you're thinking before you even say it. You're easy to read, Johansson. Wait, are you crying?

(Book 3) Legacy - Scarlett Johansson x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now