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Scarlett's POV...

Me: I'm sat. Now what?
Y/N: We know about the phone calls. We know something's going on.
Florence: We're going take that as our queue to leave. Hailee, Tay?

They each stand and head back into the house.

Colin: We really need to have a discussion. The 3 of us, right now.
Y/N: What's going on?
Me: Nothing.
Y/N: It's not nothing. Something's happening to you. You're making me out to be this monster, and you're making yourself out to be a stranger right now. Who got to you? Was it Francesca? Sean? Who?

I stand my ground, not answering.

Colin: Honey please. We need to know.
Me: I can't.
Y/N: It's us, Scarl. Of course you can.

They look at me with a plead in their eyes.

Me: I really can't.
Y/N: Kennedy put a tracer on your phone so next time you take a call, we'll know. So you either tell us now, or we find out ourselves.

Y/N's POV...

I watch Scarlett's body language, it's tense, nervous even as the tears begin to fall. I place my hand on hers and she tries to pull away, but I only cling on harder.

Me: Scarlett, please just let us in.
Scarlett: They said they'd kill you if I didn't do what they said, and now they keep calling, asking for more.
Me: Who?
Scarlett: I don't know. It's a different voice every time. They keep telling me to isolate you more and more, but they never me why or who they are.
Colin: Why would you keep this a secret?
Scarlett: What, you think I want her dead?! They asked me to divorce you thinking you'd go back to your old ways, then they asked me to take the kids thinking the same, and when you didn't, when you were okay with all of it, they gave the kids back and tried to get you to hate me instead. I don't know what the next thing is going to be. They're going to kill you for this.
Me: Sean works my security, they aren't going to kill me.
Scarlett: Right, and where is he? Nobody's seen him for weeks.
Me: He said he had to go away for a while. But I can call him.

Colin sits quietly, not saying anything.

Me: You're being quiet.
Colin: You tried to ruin her life for what?
Me: It's fine.
Colin: No, it's not fine. You may be able to look past it but I can't. Why would you do that to the person you were in love with? To your kids' mom?
Scarlett: I didn't have a choice. They were going to kill her.
Me: Look, arguing isn't going to fix anything now. It's happened, it's done. We need to find a way to figure out what's going on here. I'll call Kennedy in the morning.

Just then. Kennedy actually calls.

Me: "Speak of the devil and the devil shall appear."
Kennedy: "We have a problem. A big one."
Me: "Does it involve my ex wife and a few shitty individuals trying to kill me?"
Kennedy: "It does."
Me: "Cool, nothing new. What do you know?"
Kennedy: "Not a huge amount. Caller seems to be from the same place, you'll never guess where.
Me: "Surprise me."
Kennedy: "That same warehouse."
Me: "So it's Francesca again."
Kennedy: "That's the thing. No."
Me: "Then who?"
Kennedy: "No idea. We've had a surveillance team on Francesca since a week ago, we found her in Denver. Whoever this is, I don't even think they're related to what happened before. And I can't authorise sending a team until Lockwood gets back from wherever he's skulking around."
Me: "Then what can you authorise?"
Kennedy: "Heightened security. But it means lockdown, together."
Me: "In the same house?! Hell no, someone will die."
Kennedy: "I'm sorry. It's the only way. Yours or hers?"
Me: "Mine. That house has negative energy."
Kennedy: "Sending a team. Ask her to relax, everything will be fine."

(Book 3) Legacy - Scarlett Johansson x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now