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June 2030...(Y/N's POV)

Me: Okay so something like this for the verse and the hook.

I start singing what I have for the song, mumbling the parts I'm unsure of.

Taylor: Dude, I love that so much.
Me: What about something like 'if I was some paint did it splatter, on a promising young man'?
Taylor: Like Cosmo, right? That's who you mean?
Me: Yeah, like as in 'did I wreck him by being me' kinda thing.
Taylor: Your brain is amazing, you know that?
Me: I think that's the nicest compliment anyone's every given me.
Taylor: Pleasure's all mine.

I type the lyrics into the notes on my phone as Taylor watches on.

Taylor: Have you heard from her?

I shake my head.

Me: No, nothing.
Taylor: The kids?
Me: Rose texted me a few days ago, but nothing other than that. She just read my reply and didn't answer. Cosmo doesn't have a phone anymore and Jess hasn't said anything to anyone.
Taylor: I'm sorry Y/N, this must suck.
Me: My head of security said that she doesn't feel safe around me so won't let the kids near me either, which is understandable.
Taylor: She filed for divorce yet?
Me: Still waiting for those to be served, Jack did say she'd been meeting with her lawyers though, so I'm guessing any day now.
Taylor: You know, if you need a friend, or just someone. I'm here.

She places her hand on mine and squeezes lightly.

Me: I know. I'm fine, really. Anyway, beer? Wine? Patron?
Taylor: Beer.

I head to the fridge in the studio and grab a couple of beers, pulling the caps and handing one to Taylor.

Taylor: How are you really doing? You look like you haven't slept in weeks.
Me: That would be because I haven't. Spend most of my nights down here trying to take my mind off of the fact that the house is empty. Most nights I end up falling asleep on this couch.
Taylor: Do you know where she is?
Me: No, Jack won't tell me. Every couple of days one of her team comes to pick some more things up for them.
Taylor: Kind of cowardly to not even face you.
Me: She's doing what she thinks is right, no issue from me. It just stings a little I guess. Ollie?

Ollie pops his head around the door.

Me: Could you give these to Jack the next time he comes back? I just don't want them anymore, maybe he can pass them on and she can do what she wants with them.

I hand him Scarlett's rings and he nods slowly, taking them.

Ollie: You absolutely sure?
Me: I'm absolutely sure. Just make sure she gets them. I'll try calling her from a different number or something maybe.
Ollie: Understood.

He nods and begins to leave.

Me: Ol?
Ollie: Yeah?
Me: Is there a way we can set up a meeting? I just miss the kids, that's all. Or even just to pass her a message to see if she'll let the kids call every so often? If she doesn't pick up again that is.
Ollie: Sure, I can call Jack and ask. Seems he's doing all of her work for her just now.
Me: Thank you.

Taylor joins me on the couch with her beer, tapping it with the bottle.

Me: Why do I have a feeling that this is about to get messy?
Taylor: You're carrying yourself in a really good way, if it gets messy, it won't be anything that you've done. I'm on your side.
Me: It's okay, there's no sides. But thanks for being here. You're basically living here.
Taylor: Don't think it's anything to do with you, I just like your cat.

(Book 3) Legacy - Scarlett Johansson x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now