The Night Out

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Late January 2031...(Y/N's POV)

I sit opposite Taylor as she cries into the sleeves of her sweater.

Me: Did you think wasn't gonna find out?
Taylor: It wasn't like that.
Me: No? Then what was it like? Because form where I'm standing it looks like you used me.
Taylor: It really wasn't like that. I can't tell you what they had on me. They told me to get closer to you, I just didn't know I was going to fall for you.
Me: And you expect me to believe that?
Taylor: Yes, I do! I never wanted any of this to happen, I really liked you, I wanted to make it work.
Me: Yeah well, it never would have. Our whole relationship started on a lie, it would've eaten you up and that would've been the end of it.
Taylor: I can't begin to tell you how sorry I am. I was going to tell you, I was, but you were so caught up in everything and then I came on tour and I just, I thought it would go away.

I pick up my phone to see Scarlett calling.

Taylor: I know you'll never pick me, I'm not even going to ask you to. But please don't just throw me out like trash.
Me: I won't. I just, I need some time before we can get back to being on a level again. I have to take this.

Taylor nods, and I pick up the phone.

Scarlett: "Hey, sorry, I know you're busy. Just wanted to know if you were going to be back for the kids tonight?"
Me: "Yeah, I'm leaving soon. Flight's only a few hours."
Scarlett: "Cosmo wanted to know if we could do something all together."
Me: "Yeah, sounds good. See if he can come up with something and we'll go with that."
Scarlett: "Okay cool. See you in a minute."
Me: "See you in a minute."

I place the phone in my pocket and adjust my cap, placing my sunglasses back on my face.

Me: I gotta go, got a plane to catch in an hour.
Taylor: You'll call me, right?
Me: Give me some space, but I'll call when I'm ready.

Taylor stands and wraps her arms around my neck, hugging me tightly.

Me: We'll get back to being friends, but trust is a big thing for me and I need you to know that I'll never be able to trust you enough to go further than friends again. But let's figure out the friends thing, you're a great person, and cool as shit.
Taylor: Yeah, friends it is.

I pull away and squeeze her hand before turning back to the door of the dressing room.

Taylor: Hey Y/N?
Me: Yeah?
Taylor: Don't hold out on Scarlett. You two are meant for each other.
Me: It's me that's waiting for her, not the other way around.
Taylor: Really?
Me: Yeah. She's still pretty shaking up by the whole 'being held at gunpoint' situation. She'll come around.
Taylor: Then make it all worth it. Anyone would be lucky to have you. I was lucky for a while, make her lucky forever.
Me: Thanks Taylor. And good luck tonight.

I throw her one last smile before leaving the venue and heading back to the plane.

Later that evening...

Me: I'm home!

Scarlett comes around the corner from the kitchen.

Scarlett: Hey, you're earlier than I thought.
Me: We didn't talk as much as I thought we would. You okay?
Scarlett: I'm good.
Me: Sleep okay last night?
Scarlett: Wouldn't exactly call 30 minute intervals sleeping.

She follows me into the kitchen as I grab a beer from the fridge.

Me: Wanna talk about it?
Scarlett: There's not really a lot to say about it. It'll pass.
Me: Sure, just keep talking to me if you need to, even if I'm busy.
Scarlett: I will. So how did it go with Taylor?
Me: Told her I wouldn't be able to trust her, but one day I'd love to be friends. That was pretty much it.
Scarlett: So you're officially single?
Me: I am, yeah. Why, you know someone who's interested?

(Book 3) Legacy - Scarlett Johansson x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now