Doers, Not Tellers

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Scarlett's POV...

Me: Y/N?

I close the front door to her house behind me and slip off my heels, placing them neatly by the door beside Y/N's. It had taken me a while to get home, mostly because I went back to the bar for an hour to finish my catch up with the guys, knowing Y/N would've needed some space anyway and it would've been pointless me crowding her.

Me: Hey Y/N? I know you're upset with me and I'm probably the last person you want to see right now but I just need to make sure you're okay so could you just tell me where you are in this house that is absolutely too big for one person?

Still, there's no response. I huff.

Me: Fine. Old fashioned game of hide and seek it is then.

I check all over the house to find nothing, not even any trace of anyone being here. So I check the last place I need to, her bedroom. I open the door quietly as the room is lit by the light from the TV, to find Y/N sleeping peacefully under the oversized covers with her glasses still stuck on her face and a book propped over her chest.

I take the book from her and fold the corner of the page, then place it on the nightstand, also prying away the glasses and placing them on top of the book as she stirs slightly. I sit beside her, pushing the fallen strands of hair from her face.

Me: I really did a number on you huh? You must be so tired of life by now honey.

I decide to leave her to sleep, taking one of the guest bedrooms for the night, knowing she'd be ready to talk in the morning.

The bright sky of the morning reaches my face quicker than I would've liked as the hangover sinks into my half asleep brain. I stretch and sit up to see a steaming mug of coffee beside me, along with a box of Advil to take away the inevitable headache.

After completing my morning routine I head downstairs, but still no Y/N anywhere, until I hear the clang of weights coming from the gym further down the hall. I wander down there, standing by the doorway and just watching her for a moment without her noticing as she blasts her workout playlist through her headphones. But eventually she does notice and pulls them down to rest around her neck.

Y/N: Hey.
Me: Hi.

There's this awkward tension that hangs around in the air, as if we're two people who just slept together and one's outstaying their welcome.

Me: I should get back to the house today. Kids will be wondering where I am.
Y/N: I'd ask if you wanted a ride but it's probably quicker to walk anyway.
Me: Yeah.

The awkward silence continues as we just look at each other.

Me: Maybe we could—
Y/N: I thought we—

We laugh again at each other's eagerness.

Y/N: Gotta stop doing that. You go.
Me: I was just going to say maybe we could spend the weekend at my place? I could cook dinner or something.

She visibly swallows thickly, brushing her hand through the hairs on the back of her neck, standing sheepishly.

Y/N: I have the kids on a weekend. So um—
Me: Right, you do. Totally my bad. Maybe another time?
Y/N: Scarlett I don't know if that's a good idea.
Me: W-why not?
Y/N: You said you weren't ready for a relationship again.
Me: I know but that's not—
Y/N: But you want to hang around with me a lot. It's confusing for me. I just want straight forward, I don't want unclear and messy anymore. This is getting messy already and that's before anything even happens. If anything even happens, ever.
Me: I didn't say I didn't want anything to happen.
Y/N: I know, but it feels like you're having me around because you just don't want to be alone, not because you want me. You're saying you're not ready but you're kissing me in empty cars and holding my hand everywhere we go.
Me: That wasn't my intention, it's not that I don't want to be alone, but I do like having you around.
Y/N: And that's just it. You just like having me around. Whether you know it or not, you're using me. And if I wanted someone to use me I would've just gone back to Taylor honestly.
Me: That's not fair. It's always been you and me, I just—
Y/N: I need to finish my workout.

(Book 3) Legacy - Scarlett Johansson x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now