chapter fourteen • i'm fucked

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Nathan Kingston

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Nathan Kingston

Eye bags rim my eyes as I walk into the gym Thursday after school. My night after getting home from the Matthews at an already pretty late time consisted of walking back and forth across my bedroom and feeling like I'm ripping my hair out as I grip my head to try and stop the thoughts that were circling around in my head.

I trudged through the school day like a waking zombie, unable to even put a smile on my face when Ivy and Dylan walked over and handed me a cinnamon bun that I forgot at her house yesterday. She seemed disappointed at my reaction but I don't know how to act around her anymore.

Yesterday changed some things. I feel like I owe her everything and she doesn't even know. Then that moment in her bedroom and... I'm a mess.

"You look like total shit." Hugo nods in my direction before returning back to the punching bag.

"Thanks for the compliment, dickhead. I feel it too." I reply, sitting down on the bench next to Hugo's bag and wrapping my hands.

"I'm sowwy princess." He says in a mocking tone, "what crawled up your ass this morning?"

"I don't know. Yesterday threw me for a loop, lots of new things happening and screwing with my mind." I finish wrapping my hands and run a hand through my hair, pulling on the ends of my thick black strands.

"How are things going with tutor girl? What is her name again? Amy? Ivory? Ilene?"

"Ivy." I reply, my body locking up at the mere mention of her name.

"Yeah, how are things going with Ivy?"

"I'm gonna be honest with you, dude. I think I'm totally fucked." I stay seated on the bench dropping my head into my hands from where they stay braces on my thighs.

He stops punching and he turns to me with one of his classic Hugo smirks rising on his smug face, "What do you mean you're totally fucked? You're hot for her? You know like I said you would be from the start?"

"I don't know. I think it's more than that." I'm up from the bench now, pacing bath and forth in front of it, "I went over to her house yesterday and we watched a movie, swear to god when our hands touched I felt like she had just lit my hand on fire. Then we were up in her room and we were so close that I could literally feel her breath."

"You sound like a chick."

"I feel like a fuckin' chick. What the hell am I supposed to do?"

"I don't know," he fake ponders, "kiss her, you idiot. The next time you see her just lay a fat one on her."

"I can't do that! Isn't that fucking sexual harassment or something." My voice trails off to a whisper, "plus I have no idea what I'm doing."

Hugo clocks his hand up to his ear and puts the other on his hip laying into the sass, "can you repeat that last part again for me?"

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