The Wedding

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All my life I had thought of this day. over and over since I was a little girl. that one day I would find Prince Charming and he would sweep me off of my feet and that we would be the best thing to happen ever.

In my teenage years I had fantasized about crushes, or boyfriends and what it would be like to spend eternity with someone.

Then, in my early twenties I had given up hope that it could happen. With dirtbag after dirtbag, I thought Prince Charming would never show up.

And now, I realized that I had just been up in my tower waiting for him to rescue me, and here he was, my Prince Charming.

The wedding preparations had all been made ahead of time, so there should have been nothing to worry about, but with not having seen Lefahn in two days because of the bachelors party and the whole traditional thing where we weren't supposed to be together the night before, I was a little on edge.

I paced back and forth in my purple silk robe to get my crazy nerves down. there was only an hour until the ceremony, and this was when all the anxiety started to hit and I got freaked out about the most random things like whether or not he would be out there, or if someone would make a scene, and I got worried about my heels which now seemed too tall, and I really didn't want to fall on camera in front of the world.

I went over my vows at least a thousand times reading and re-reading them until I had a headache. At times like these, I ry wished I had a mother, or Amara to calm me down and tell me everything was going to be alright. but I had neither of those women, so I freaked out on my own until I heard a knock at the door.

"Who is it?" I asked sitting in front of a mirror touching up the makeup that had been professionally done earlier that day.

"It's me." I heard Aubie say from the hall and quickly let her in through the door.

"Oh my gosh, I am so glad you're here." I said and hugged her to me. for a few seconds she was shocked, but eventually she hugged me back.

"Sorry." I said "I'm just freaking out a bit and its nice to see a familiar face. oh, and you look amazing!" I said looking at the wine colored bridesmaid dress she had on.

"Thanks." she said looking at her own dress "but you will be just fine." she said finding a chair and forcing me to sit down.

"Yah, but I'm just really freaked out. what if something super embarrassing happens, or Lefahn doesn't show up? Oh god, what if he got cold feet?" At that time, I began to start almost hyperventilating.

"Clara!" She said and smacked my arm "you can run a gigantic country just fine, you shouldn't be worried about one ceremony with the guy who loves you more than life itself. I can see the way he looks at you, and I know he wouldn't ditch the ceremony that United you two forever." she said.

"Oh." was all I had to say before standing up again "hey, can you help me out my dress on?" I asked her.

"Why? You have like forty minutes to- oh. yah, sure." She said realizing that there were only about forty minutes until my wedding which would be shown live all around the world.

"Okay, umm. I think the dress is all the way over there" I said and pointed towards a rack with only one thing on it that looked like a body bag.

"Okay." Aubie said and brought the rolling rack closer to me and unzipped the huge hanging bag which spilled out beautiful white fabric.

"Oh my gosh!" I said staring at it for the first time after I had bought it "its even more gorgeous than I remembered"

"Wow." Aubie said holding it up "its amazing... but how are we going to put it on you?" She asked which was how we started the difficult task of putting my wedding dress on.

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