The plan

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I woke up to the feeling of cold sheets. i rolled over to see that Lefahn was gone. he probably just wanted to go see the sun rise over the ocean or something like that, and decided to let me sleep.

I looked around the room for my cloths, but saw that they had already been picked up and a stack of folded cloths was sitting on Lefahn's desk. i got up and walked over to the pile of cloths and saw that there was a letter on top of it in Lefahn's handwriting.

I picked up the letter, and put it aside so that i could get dressed in the jeans and T-shirt that were folded in front of me. when i had finished getting dressed, i reached for the letter and when i read it, i fell to the ground and cried.

How could he even think that way. i needed him. i loved him, and i don't think i could live properly without him. he was the one who brought me back from the brink of insanity. he was the one who saved my life. he had taken bullets for me. i just couldn't understand how he could just up and leave like that?

I continued to read the letter over and over again for hours, my tears blurring the words together until it was almost unrecognizable.

But i sucked it up realizing that at least he was some part right. i had a job to do, and i would get it done. so i wiped my eyes and tried to get rid of my stuffy nose so that i sounded somewhat normal. then i got on deck and ran over to where Roger lived. i raced up the stairs, and banged on his door with my fist until he opened the door.

I saw him give me a weird look because of my red eyes, but i cut off anything he was going to say "set course to London as soon as possible. i expect to be there tomorrow" i said.

"Bu-" he tried to say.

"I don't care. get there" i said and hurried back to call the people on the list. they were all puzzled when i told them that Lefahn couldn't come to the phone, but when they pushed it, i quickly changed the subject by telling them to meet me in London where Brandashar was currently living. I told them i'd be on the ship at daisy port.

Once i had called everyone, i just went for a walk down the halls since i knew where i was going now i just needed something to do to clear my head a little.

As i walked down the halls that had once all been identical, i saw all the new decorations i had forced Lefahn to put up.There were paintings of various things here and there. Some of them had been painted by the crew, others we had purchased while traveling. here and there, there were pots of all sorts of plants from who knows where. then in some hallways there would be a bookshelf or a small table or something of the sort with two chairs and something on it ranging from a couple of books to board games to some random decoration we thought was interesting.

Eventually, i found myself in a room with a piano in the center of it, and a few other instruments who's names i knew not. i walked inside the room, and headed over to the piano where i pressed a few keys.

I had tried to learn how to play once, and had gotten fairly decent, but was never as good as Lefahn. I remember when i had been roaming the halls, and had heard the most beautiful music i had ever heard in my life, and i found him sitting on the bench in front of the piano, with his fingers running over the keys in a way that seemed surreal to me. he eyes were closed, and his head was throne back as if the music it's self had overtaken him, and was pouring from him in a bittersweet melody.

While i had never learned how to be good at the piano, i had learned how to play one other instrument.

I surprised Lefahn by picking up a violin and putting it in the proper place before grabbing the bow, and began playing along with him, my own noted blending with his in a beautiful chorus of sweetening noise that couldn't be explained by any words. it was a beautiful duet, and when we ended the song together, we were both panting from the effort put forth to make such a beautiful song. we had both laughed a little and smiled at each other sending a silent message to each other which seemed to say that like our two melodies were knit together, so were our souls.

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