The Grand Canyon sucks

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Warning, there will be some foul language in this chapter, so just be aware.


I was vaguely aware of the feeling of being lifted. on any other normal occasion i would have been worried, but i had had too many drinks to care. plus, for whatever reason, i trusted every single one of the men in this bar.

I opened my eyes, and the world around me was blurry, and i felt like i was falling even though i couldn't have been because i felt safe and secure in these particular arms. because of my curiosity, i reached out with one of my arms to try and identify the person by touching their face.

I felt a familiar nose first, and then a strong chin, then i felt soft short hair that could only belong to one person "clara, are you awake?" i heard Lefahn ask as i felt him walking to who knows where. I trief to say yes, but it came out muffled and garbled.

I don't know how he did, but he had understood, and was now talking to me. i tried to focus and listen, but i was slipping back into unconsciousness, so the words were lost to me as my eyes closed again.


I woke up again on a couch in a small room that looked really weird. then, i suddenly realized it was a plane. i would have been worried about the fact that i was on a plane and that Lefahn was no where in sight, but suddenly i felt sick to my stomach, and made a mad dash to the bathroom where i puked out my guts.

Then as i sat there on the floor of the bathroom that seemed to big for a plane because i was too weak to move, i noticed tgat the lights in here were way to bright, and i felt a huge migraine begin to form in my head.

Then i looked around to see if there was any medicine even though i seriously doubted it. But luckily enough, there was a small bottle of pills next to a small water bottle on the counter. i quickly put the two pills in my mouth and took a swig of water.

I didn't expect much to happen immediately, but as soon as i had swallowed the pills, i could feel all the hangover symptoms leaving me.

When i was finally strong enough to stand, i cleaned up my mess, and walked out of the bathroom feeling nasty. but as soon as i turned a corner, i was faced with Lefahn's green eyes, and felt immediately better when he wrapped me in his arms.

"I am never drinking again" i said to the fabric of his shirt, remembering how much i had drank last night. there had been a time when i used to party hard, but i hadn't in a while, so my tolerance wasn't what it used to be. consequently, i still felt like crap despite those magical pills.

"Hey" Lefahn said pulling his head a tiny bit from me so that i could see his eyes "we're going to be landing soon, so we should go sit down" he said leading me to the couch i had woken up on that i now realized was bolted to the floor, and had seat belts under the cushions.

after we had both sat down i asked "i really sleep all the way to..." I couldn't finish my question because i didn't know where we were.

"Arizona" he replied "and yes, you did" he said answering my question. suddenly, i felt my stomach drop as the plane descended. gosh i hated planes, i thought as we landed.

When we got out of the plane, i was surprised to find that we were in a really big city with really tall buildings.

"What is this place?" i asked as Lefahn handed me a water bottle from who knows where.

"This" he said gesturing around us "is a tourist city by the grand canyon. it's only a few miles out of town, and they offer tours" he said which would have excited me, but i thought deserts were gross, and the grand canyon wasn't the coolest thing on my list of popular areas.

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