The letter

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The woman who's cave like house we were in was named Amanda. she was Amara's aunt.

Anyway, apparently Amara had told Lefahn once about her aunt who was a crazy good hacker. Lefahn had come here in hopes of getting in touch with her because she was kinda a ghost on the internet, and a recluse outside of the internet.

So basically, we had come here to exchange e-mails, which was pretty discouraging seeing as how Lefahn had gotten shot again, and i was having some dehydration issues plus pain everywhere from beating up a bunch of guys, and blisters from walking for an entire day which also gave me a huge red sunburn on both my arms.

But i was glad i got to meet Amanda, and now we would be able to contact her from anywhere, and get any news of Brandashar.

Then, since we had access to the internet, Lefahn was able to get in touch with his friend who owned the planes who's name i now knew as Mark.

Anyway, he had asked him to send over a helicopter or something so that we could get back to the ship where we could be treated better for our injuries, which was mostly Lefahn's gunshot wound, but i was hoping there was something i could do that would immediately heal my sun burn as well.

But since we were here for a while, we all talked about Amara, and how great of a person she was. Lefahn and i both admitted that without her, we would have either ended up dead, or would have never fallen in love.

Amanda talked about how Amara had helped her get to this house because she was always paranoid of the world, and couldn't bear to live with people. as it turns out, Amara had actually helped build this strange house for her aunt. Gosh, i was blessed to have had her as a friend.

We waited in the weird stone house for a few hours waiting for news of our flight. during that time, Amanda made is tea, and we all sat quietly, and awkwardly. any of the things we would talk about was either sad, or just too awkward.

But then i heard Amanda's shy voice ask "so... uh... you two?" she said hiding behind her teacup.

Lefahn looked up with a smile "yup" he said, and we waited until we were notified of an aircraft landing above us. we said goodbye to Amara's aunt, and quickly climbed the stairs upwards eager to get out of the desert, and the awkward silence.

as soon as we got to the top of the stairs, Lefahn opened the latch, and we first heard, then saw the beast of a helicopter in front of us that was stirring up a rather large cloud of dust. Lefahn and i had to shield our eyes as we haunched over and got closer to it.

Once inside, we were handed headphones to block out the noise of the helicopter, and to communicate with each other. but only the pilot and co-pilot talked on our way to the air port where we once again got new cloths this time throwing these ones away.

We then boarded a plane already set to fly back. there were a billion other people on the plane with us, but we didn't care as long as we were next to each other, and going back to the ship.

Content for the moment, i rested my head on Lefahn's shoulder, and got ready to sleep for the entire four hour flight back to the ship


I was woken up gently by the flight attendant who told me that i had only been slept in for the time it took for the other passengers to get off, so we were "on schedule" according to her. i then woke Lefahn up as well, and i could see the Flight attendant checking him out so i grabbed his hand which he gladly took in his own with a sleepy smile thrown my way.

Lefahn and i left in a hurry to get to the ship from here which really wasn't too far, but we had a taxi called anyway because of Lefahn's leg. Lefahn handed the guy a hundred, and told him to get to the docks ASAP!

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