Days go by

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As it turns out, Aiden had not come only to meet her, he had come to tell them both that he was super happy that they would be kicking his sister out of the throne, and that she would also take over Asia.

After Aiden got off the ship, Lefahn and Clara where left alone. geez that was weird. being with Lefahn was more strange than the idea her being the Queen of two countries.

She didnt want to feel abything towards Lefahn, but she knew that he had only taken her to protect her. but even if she did fall in love with him, she would probably have to marry someone that was also royal. soneone from another country ruled by crown.

She still couldnt help but feel butterflies when she was around him though. expecially when she knew that Lefahn liked her. he just made it so difficult sometimes.

**************The next week**************

Clara went through the week thinking of the kiss. who knows what that could have lead to.

She had also perfected quite a few things. Infact she now knew how to put her corset on all by herself. same with her dress which really was difficult. she also sucessfully knew what utensils where for what.

It may not have sounded like much, but she had learned in one week what some people never learned ever. plus, now that she could actually put on a corset and her dress she didnt have to keep practicing, and she could wear normal cloths now.

Right now infact, she was wearing her ripped up jeans, and a charcoal grey tank top that instead of having normal straps, it met imbetween her shoulder-blades. she was super confy.

Well except for the fact that she was super sweaty and sore from working out today. right now, she was killing the punching bag in front of her. Lefahn had taught her real fighting moves so that if the time came where she really needed to defend herself, then she would know what to do. so that she wouldnt have to just rely on her own made up tecniques.

Before she had learned real moves though, she had spent most of the last week getting fit. sinilar to what he still made her do now. she still had to do an early morning and a night time workout. the first few days of it, she had allways been sore. she still felt sore some times, but she guessed it was because she had only been at this for a week and a few days.


Every day he thought about that kiss. how couldnt he? Clara had'nt pulled away that time, and who knows what could have happened. plus Clara had finaly treated him nicely, and she had smiled at him. actually smiled at him.

Thinking about that smile filled him with an un-recognisable feeling. that day played through his mind over and over again, except ofcourse when he was with Clara.

He was continuously impressed whenever she learned something new. she would learn in a matter of days what normal people took years to learn. that girl was amazing, he thought.

Right now, he was training her in fittness, and they where running laps around the deck. the largest place on the boat. Lefahn had expected Clara to tire out a few laps ago, or atleast to be tired, but no, she was keeping pace with Lefahn, and was barely winded. to say the least, he was impressed when he had to stop for time reasons. they had both ran the entire time!

When they where finished getting cleaned up and changed, they decided to have an early lunch. It mainly consisted of a ceasar salad, and some bread with whatever drink they wanted.

Clara was practicing her new-found skills with the utensils to eat, whereas Lefahn was just using a plain fork, and his hands for the bread. Even though he knew what he should have been doing, he didnt particularly like eating that way.

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