To France

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i scared you guys with that last chapter, didn't i?

anyway, i think you guys will be alot more fond of this chapter.


i gently opened my eyes surprized i was still alive. i wondered why i had woken up untill i heard noises coming from outside the door to my room.

I heard a few grunts and the sound of a person getting hit. I tried my hardest to move away from the door. I barely made it a foot before the door went wide open. I closed my eyes tightly waiting for the worst. I heard the sound of shoes coming towards me, then the sound of material rubbing against material as the person crouched down next to me.

I closed my eyes tighter, bracing myself for a gunshot or something else that would end my life.

Instead of the darkness I expected, I felt a calloused hand cup my cheek, and brush a few strands of hair out of my face. I reluctantly opened my eyes... And was met with familiar green ones. All the tension in my body left me, and I blacked out again


When I woke up again, I was in my room on the ship. I turned my head and saw Lefahn asleep in a chair that was pulled up next to me. I also saw that his hand was in mine. I couldn't believe I hadn't noticed earlier.

Seconds after that thought, Lefahn woke up and looked at me with a ton of relief. He scanned my body with his eyes making me shiver slightly "are you okay." He asked me.

I smiled then replied "better than the first time I wore a corset" I really wasn't that alright though. There was a huge blue removable wrap on my left leg, and a bunch of gauzy stuff wrapped around my right bicep.

Lefahn noticed me looking at myself "want me to tell you what the doctor said?" he asked.

"Yes" i replied. i had to know what all hapened to my body.

"Well..." he trailed off.

"What is it?" i asked

"Okay." he said "lets start with the baisics, your leg was badly hurt not broken, but we decided to put a wrap on it untill it heals because there were alot of cuts and bruises. your right arm got cut with something and almost got infected, but we cleaned it out so it should heal fairly soon, but there will be a large scar." he said and looked at me. it was just my arm, at least it wasnt my face or something. i would have shruged for him to continue, but it hurt, so i told him to instead.

"You also suffered a minor cuncussion" he said and continued "your head had been hit pretty hard, but luckily you have a thick scull" he teased "the rest is pretty obvious. you have alot of bruising and cuts. my best advice is to stay put and dont try doing anything"

"So what am i supposed to do?" i asked him.

"Well, we will be on the ship for two days because we are going to france, and i dont have much to do because my crew know where they are going, so i will stay here with you, and we will continue our history lessons on asia" he said. great, my least favorite subject.

i groaned, but reluctantly agreed seeing as how i had absolutly nothing to do.

"I knew you'd agree" he said and got some books out from under his chair. he handed me a purple, a red, a green, and a blue book. they were all about history. some werent even asian ones.

"Really?" i said and pointed to the purple book. it's title was 'tales from asia'. i looked over the other books and then spotted another one "okay, what on earth could i possibly learn from this?" it was the red book. it's title was 'how to understand old english'.

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