The kids

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Everyone in the world went crazy about Lefahn and I's marriage. There were pictures of us on almost every magazine, and there had to be posters of us places. I knew that much because Aubie had come back to the castle with one and hung it up in her office.

Lots of people created false truths about Lefahn and I's relationship that ranged from marginally believable to completely unrealistic. Luckily, everyone dismissed the ridiculous ones and believed the story we told them which was that we had been around each other our whole lives and had fallen in love without knowing exactly who we were. When we found out, he distanced himself until we found out his true identity as well.

Most of our story was fairly accurate despite the fact that I had withheld the Aspidochelone part. We of course knew the real story, and kept it between us and our small group of people.

But as soon as the shock of our marriage simmered down after about two months, some of the bad stuff started bubbling up, and soon Lefahn and I were swamped in work to do.

People with rather large business would file complaints about certain systems that were contradicting and didn't work. Law firms would bring us laws that they thought shouldn't exist, and everyone had to debate on those laws. Then there were the charities. While I would have loved to donate a bunch of money to every charity out there, I had to keep some of my money for basic reasons. So oftentimes we would have to refuse a charity because as it was we were already donating to at least ten different ones using the money from Lefahn's own companies which I now also owned.

Then as soon as I had gained co-ownership of all Lefahn's companies, governments all over went crazy claiming that I was trying to take over the world, and I had to make peace treaties with almost everyone so that wars wouldn't start. America was also very wary of my co-ownership of multiple large profit businesses there.

Then, since multiple countries within my country didn't like each other, I had to enforce certain laws in different places to ensure people's safety. I also had other countries outside of my rule that opposed each other and asked me to be an ally of theirs. I of course wanting to avoid war said no, and remained neutral.

Then, two years after Lefahn and I got married, we found out that I was pregnant. At first we were concerned because the world was in a state of unease. But the day she was born, we experienced the absolute best day of our lives. I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl with perfect golden hair and her fathers beautiful green eyes.

My little Sophia was absolutely perfect, and my little ray of sunshine, and I was glad to have her when the wars started again. Sometimes she was the only thing that kept me sane.

There had been a riff between to countries in Africa and one day they just started an all out war. One country had been allied with one country, the other one was allied with one, and almost every country except mine and Canada had been allied off and were pulled into a war just Beneath my nose.

At that time, things were stressful. Lefahn did what he could to help me, but sending my military force to my borders and monitoring the sky for bombs was taking its toll.

Everyone soon wanted to me to join in, and be a part of the war, but I did not want to become a part of it. Even when people tried to attack my country and make it look like it was another country, I didn't involve myself.

On and on, the war waged. It was about five years into it that they had finally pressed my buttons too hard.

My daughter had been staying at her grandparents house while Lefahn and I were working on defending Italy when it happened; a fleet of airplanes had gone over the area where they lived, dropping bombs as they flew overhead.

Immediately Lefahn and I flew straight there and were relieved to find that our family had been in town that day when their house had been obliterated. Lefahn and I of course almost died of relief as soon as we saw our daughter was safe and unharmed. At the time, she had asked me why the red planes had tried to hurt her and grandma and grandpa (which we let her call her great grandparents seeing as how our parents were dead). I had to assure her that they weren't coming for her. But in reality I had the suspicion that she was their target.

As soon as we got back to the castle, everyone was frenzied and bustling about trying to get one place to the other as soon as possible. There were also reporters everywhere asking about the incident and what our plans were. That night, after tucking our daughter into bed, Lefahn and I stayed up discussing what we had to do.

Finally, at two in the morning, we decided that we had to stop the party that was called the group because we knew it was them who had attacked us personally, and had been attacking our borders to gain a bit of land to get better forces.

We knew that the group was allies with the small country who did the bombing even though they pretended to be enemies, I knew that the smaller country was doing the group's dirty work in the name of the other Allied power, hence the red planes.

They had also done much more grievous crimes at some of our navy ports and air force bases. We did a little more digging, and found out even worse stuff about them.

So as soon as the decision was made, we had went directly to our center of command, and started getting our sources built up.

We had decided to build them up secretly so that we could just attack straight on, so the process lasted much longer, around four months. In that time, I had discovered that I was once again pregnant.

This of course escaped to the media, and people began to question my motives. All sorts of hate and mistrust was sent my way during those four months. Especially when I had gotten everything built up and ready to go.

But then, out of nowhere, there came an air raid over my best base, killing thousands of soldiers and hundreds of civilians. After that, the public never questioned my motives in regard to the war effort. In fact, I gained much more support, and many more enlistments of angry people who wanted revenge.

In two months, my forces were built back up, and we were able to completely destroy the (what we called at this point) dirty countries chances of ever attacking us again, and made them sign an agreement to never have a standing army again.

We then spent all our resources on defeating the group. During that time, I gave birth to Lefahn and I's son who had his hair and nose, and my eyes. We named him Philip, and he was a fussy little man. We assumed it was because he was born during war time. But nonetheless, he was another ray of sunshine that helped us stay going.

A year after Philip was born, the war finally ended when our troops reached the group's center of command, and arrested all the leaders.

Finally after about six and a half years, we were at peace again, and politics weren't as difficult and we didn't have as much stress, so we were finally able to relax and be a family. Then, about a year later, Lefahn and I discovered that I was pregnant for a third time except this time, I was going to have twins.

I had thought having my other two kids was difficult, but the labor with those two was just horrible. I was already in a huge amount of pain after getting Lydia  out, but then getting Amara out afterwards was hell.

But I soon forgot about all that pain when I saw their cute little faces and laughed at the expressions of my other two kids. Especially Philip who scrunched his nose up when he first saw them.

Four kids was definitely more children than both Lefahn and I had been planning on, but we never complained because it was our little perfect family.

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